Topic 14 First settlers of America

The time of Arrival of the First Human Beings to America.

Glaciation Process

The route thet followed the First settlers.

For DNA data - the genetic human code - we know that the beginning of settlement of America happened at least 20.000 years ago.


The bridge or tunnel would provide a connection linking North America and South America and Asia.


Glaciation allows to create a dry land route ( Frozen Steppe).

Clovis Techinology

Tools: leaf-shaped, fluted spear points called Clovis points. The lower part in the form of a fish tail.


The Settlement of America

It might be surprising that these hunters and collectors, who had type tools Clovis, could reach Patagonia - located at 13,000 km south of the US-Mexico bordes UU y Canada- in less than 100 years.

Why did they go to the south?

Two Hypothesis

1.- Better weather

2.- To look for preys to hunt

The life of the first settlers

Both in the North and in the South of America, the primitive settlers found abundant and easy hunting.

They met with thousands of thousands of animals in the great plains from the south of the current Canada and the center of the USA.

They found: mastodontd, lions, deer, sabr-thooth tiger.

In South America they found mostly herbivores. They found:


Camels: Lama





All representatives of the megafauna (giant animals) are exiting.

It extermination concluded 10.000 years ago and it was massive and fast.


Hunting: Human beings

Weather: Glaciation