Arbitral Proceedings CAM-CCBC

Claimants fille a request for arbitration

the Secretariat sends a copy of the notice to the other party


must present brief description of the matters and comments regarding seat/language/applicable laws

15 days

the Secretariat sends the parties a copy of the Rules and the list of arbitrators



each party must appoint one arbitrator

optionally, one alternate can be appointed

15 days

the Secretariat informs the parties and the arbitrators about the appointments made


10 days

must fill out CAM-CCBC's Conflict of Interest and Availability Questionnaire

the Secretariat will send the parties the answers to the Questionnaire



may submit comments about the answers

10 days

if the parties raise objections related to the arbitrator's independence/impartiality

Arbitrator involved

may submit comments

10 days


may present challenge

10 days

expired the deadline to submit comments, or after processing any challenge, the Secretariat will notify the arbitrators


must appoint a third arbitrator to act as President of the Arbitral Tribunal

successful challenge

the involved party will be notified


10 days

15 days

the Secretariat will notify the parties and arbitrators regarding the appointment of the President of the Arbitral Tribunal


10 days

must fill out CAM-CCBC's Conflict of Interest and Availability Questionnaire

the Secretariat will notify the arbitrators


10 days

the Secretariat will notify the parties for the preparation of the Terms of Reference

Claimants and Respondents

must prepare and sign the Terms of Reference

meeting to sign the Terms of Reference

Claimants and Respondents

including time period for the arbitration briefs to be presented

might set the timetable for the proceedings

will be 30 days

if no time period is fixed neither by the parties nor by the Arbitral Tribunal

after receiving the arbitration briefs, the Secretariat will send a copy to the arbitrators and to the parties


may present response

20 days

the Secretariat will send a copy of the answers to the arbitrators and to the parties


may present rebutall

20 days

the Secretariat will send a copy of the rebuttal(s) to the other party and to the arbitrators


may present surrebuttal

20 days

after receiving the arbitration briefs, rebuttals and surrebuttals

Arbitral Tribunal

will evaluate the status of the proceedings

may order production of evidence

10 days

after the conclusion of the evidentiary phase, the parties will be notified to present closing arguments



may present closing arguments

time fixed by the Arbitral Tribunal

up to 30 days

after receiving the closing arguments or expired the time to present them

Arbitral Tribunal

will issue the arbitral award

60 days

the parties must be notified regarding the arbitral award

can be extended by up to 30 days


may request clarification

15 days

the Arbitral Tribunal will be notified regarding the request for clarification

Arbitral Tribunal

10 days

must decide about the request

must make a new appointment

must sign Statement of Independence

a meeting will be scheduled to sign the Terms of Reference

30 days