Computer architecture
Computer architecture a quantitative approach
- Fundamentals of quantitative design and analysis
- Memory hierarchy design
- Instruction-level parallelism and its exploitation
- Data-level parallelism in vector, SIMD, and GPU architectures
- Thread-level parallelism
- Warehouse-scale computers to exploit request-level and data-level parallelism
A. Instruction set principles
B. Review of memory hierarchy
C. Pepelining: basic and intermediate concepts
Computer organization and design, the hardware/software interface, risc-v edition
- Computer abstraction and technology
- Instructions: language of the computer
- Arithmetic for computers
- The processor
- Large and fast: exploiting memory hierarchy
- Parallel processors from client to cloud
A. The basics of logic design
B. Graphics and computer GPUs
C. Mapping control to hardware
D. A survey of RISC architectures for desktop, server, and embedded computers
Structured computer organization - Andrew Tanenbaum
- Introduction
- Computer systems
- The digital logic level
- The microarchitecture level
- The instruction set
- The operating system
- The assembly language level
- Parallel computer architectures
A. Binary numbers
B. Floating-point numbers
C: Assembly language programming