The Process of Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Students with Learning Difficulties
Are actions consistent?
Aural (Auditory)
Parental notification of an IEP meeting
Step 1 Identification
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Lack of organization
Disruptive behaviour
Always in solitude
Emotionally unstable
Constant supervision of work is required
Step 2 Observation
Speak to the student
Make parents be aware of the problem
Get information from other teachers who teach the child
Take notes on a regular basis
Step 3 Differentiation of Teaching Strategies
Physical (Kinesthetic)
Verbal (Linguistic)
Logical (Mathematical)
Social (Interpersonal)
Solitary (Intrapersonal)
Visual (Spatial)
Step 4 Out-Side Professional Intervention
IEP is written
School suggests professional agencies
Parents make decisions whether to seek professional help
If outside help is sought, progress is monitored
if outside help is not sought then school continues to help the child to the best of its abilities
Student may be asked to leave school the next academic year
10 Basic Steps in Special Education. Center for Parent Information & Resources . Retrieved from