scholarship problem that Japanese university students have that needs a solution

about JASSO

two types of schlorship

benefit from national expense

get a loan


almost 92% of the students who award scholorship award this type

this number is very high among developed countries

more than a half of Japanese university students award scholorship

there are many types of scholorship

award from a local government

award from the university

award from JASSO
(Japan Student Services Organization)

they have to pay back the money after they graduate the university


students who go to a school from home for 4 years get 2,160,000 yen 216万円

they have to pay back this money within 14 years

the number of students who cannot pay back all the money is increasing

educational expence is very high in Japan among some other countries even you go to the national university

the 88% of the students who award scholorship use this

Japanesse depression cause them not to be able to get a job

they cannot earn enough money to pay back

if you cannot pay it back until the due date, JASSO will impose the penal interst on you

especially the person who lives alone during the university life

some students aword scholorship without thinking seriously

a half of the people who entire the due apply scholorship not knowing it is necessary for them to pay it back

one of the reason is their parents apply scholorship

students themselves didn't understand what scholorship is

you may not rent money from the bank for home loan or make a credit card


make the system which decide the scholarship payment depend on their revenue of job which they got after the graduation of the university

change the name of "scholorship" into "loan"

the company will pay the scholorship back instead of the student

increase the scholorship amount of benefit type

you will be listed on black list

students who reward scholorship without much thought will decrease