Purpose: create unique customer segments for Nuggs/Avs, identify what products each segment desires. Discover best channels to deliver content to each segment for optimal engagement.
RQ 1: What are the most common methods of sport fan segmentation? Sub: What is the most optimal method of sport fan segmentation?
RQ 2: Who is the typical NBA fan?
RQ 3: Who is the typical NHL fan?
Sub: "typical" fan?
RQ 4: What makes the Denver sport market unique? Sub: how does unique market effect Avs/Nuggs?
Survey and Lit Review
Thematic and Coding Analysis
Thematic and Coding Analysis
Literature Review
Psychographic Analysis
Literature Review
Secondary Research/Data
Psychographic Analysis
Market Research
Secondary Research
Final Analysis
Market Research
Final Analysis
Problem: customer segmentation based on psychographic info and the methods associated with segmentation.