Each product is assigned an identifier, which will be used to identify it in all the subsequent processes that are carried out on it.
The invoicing of sales orders will be done in batches, by means of a billing pending orders screen, which will show the unbilled orders. Once billed the orders will not be shown in this list.
When approving an order in the store it will be saved in the database and in the cloud.
Registration of orders by majority will be allowed to be kept in a register in the cloud and in the database.
The product information will be displayed in a table identified as "1" when the bar code is entered, in the upper corner part of margin-left: 650 px, margin-right: 25 px.
The system will allow authorized users to enter the amount of the product (s) that does not have a bar code to make the sum of the cost of this (these).
The system will send electronic mail (s) notifying the person in charge when the profits are greater than $ 10,000.
The system will also allow the recording of manual invoices not associated with orders; however, these will require authorization from the group of Managers before being posted.
The system will allow authorized users to cancel the purchase of a product.
The system will allow authorized users to update the data in the database.
The interface does not have to have strong colors that damage the eyes of the users' eyes.
The number of products available will be shown in table 1 when the bar code is entered for registration.
The system will have an automatic gain percentage per product.
The cloud can not be modified unless it is the boss.
Purchase orders that exceed the amounts of amounts established will be denied.
The posting of invoices and their data will be stored in the database and in the cloud.
The software must be able to issue the following financial statements: Profit and loss account.
Purchase orders that are rejected, denied, not accepted will have to show a "JOption" that the employee is notified about because the request is being denied.
The interface will have a fixed logo in the upper left corner.
The cloud will only keep entry and exit records.