chapter 7
Adopting Lifelong learning

developing a learning orientation to life

download (1) growth( expanded on the intelligence) & fixed mindset (born with intelleginces )

how 2 develop growth mindset(intelligence is gained)

brain= muscle 💪 the more you work it, the more you grow your brain(intelligence)

learning& performance goals

51041399-customer-business-feedback-rating-and-survey-positive-and-negative-sign-post-with-thumb-up-and-down- feedback

change cousres

preferred ways of learning 📚

self assessment 📖 used to determine what type of learner you are





employing critical thinking supporting-evidence-300x286

constructing logical arguments

asking probing questions

using critical thinking 🤔

develop self-respect download

live w/ intregrety

download (1)
keeping commitments

Learns best when doing step-by-step in a logical mater; usually with models

learn best in safe environment with group work; especially in emotionally supportive atmospheres

learns best by discovering new opportunities and seeks to make unexpected connections.

Learns best when instructor presents information while lecturing 👨‍🏫

are measurable accomplishments(performance goals) 📏

knowledge & skill 4 ever(learning goals)

inner guide uses feedback from others as a positive thing because it helps you grow as a person while inner defender & inner critic see feedback as threats 👍 👎

admit what your doing isn't working, seek alternatives,leave behind what your use to, & enter an unfamiliar scenarios. Mortgage-Industry-to-Change-URLA-1003-in-2018-1080x675




exposes conclusion which is focused on flawed evidence 🗣

explains reason and evidence to support conclusion 🗣

personal value system/ putting your values as your priorities

By having a creator mindset,creating a plan, change of mind, make agreements consciously and important.

Maria Aragon