Import Caveats
Never change the name of the headers
No two session,speaker,attendee etc should have the same unique id
Use Excel file for Windows and CSV for mac
Check documentation if in doubt about the format needed or mandate fields
Check previous imports by using import history
Add speakers in the session file itself
Can add upto 25 speakers per session
If more than 25 rest can be manually added
Unique id,session name,start and end date and time are mandate
First name and last name or display name of speaker is mandate if adding speaker here
Roles of speaker can be defined in this file
Add unique id of parent session in parent unique id fields of subsessions to create subsessions
Enable Live Q&A for sessions in bulk by adding yes,y ,t under "LIveQ&A Enabled"
Sponsorship levels need to be defined first under advance settings or file would not import
Sponsorship levels are case sensitive
If " is a sponsor" is a yes and no sponsorship level added organisation will be added under "sponsor" header
If sponsorship level added but "is a sponsor" is blank organisation will still be added as a sponsor
If over 10 sponsor level use tags for sponsor level and create a sponsor icon as a top level with "with the tag" logic for each sponsor level
Add VIP admin emails comma separated under "admin invitation column"
Hide attendees on the attendee list by adding "n, no, f, or false" under "Show on Attendee List"
Custom field show in the import file in this format "introductory::qualification"
Custom Field can't be added directly in import file but need to be defined first
To make attendee profiles public change the setting under privacy settings first as public and then import the attendees (wont affect confirmed attendees)
Hide email of attendees by adding "n, no, f, or false" under "Show Email on Attendee Profile?"
Email address of an attendee ,his first and last name are mandate
Mandate fields
Attendee Schedule
Attendee appointment
Name,start and end date and time
Name and Location info
Appointment Name,start and end date and time
First name and last name or Display name
first name and last name and Email address
Attendee Unique ID,Activity Unique ID,Change