Sex and Drugs Decline Among Teens, but Depression and Suicidal Thoughts Grow

One of results in a nationwide survey of teenagers that revealed a growing sense of fear and despair among youth in the United States

The numbers of teenagers reporting “feelings of sadness" suicidal thoughts, and days absent from school out of fear of violence or bullying have all risen since 2007

The increases were higher among lesbian, gay and bisexual high school students

1 in 5 students reported being bullied at school

1 in 28 male students reported having been physically forced to have sex

“An adolescent’s world can be bleak,” said Dr. Jonathan Mermin, an official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which conducted the survey and analyzed the data

having a high proportion of students report they had persistent feelings of hopelessness and 17 percent considering suicide

In 2017, 31 percent of students surveyed said they had such feelings, while 28 percent said so in 2007

In 2017, nearly 14 percent of students had actually made a suicide plan, up from 11 percent in 2007

The Youth Risk Behavior Survey is given every two years to nearly 15,000 students in high schools in 39 states

The report did offer some encouraging trends

Compared to a decade ago, fewer students reported having had sex, drinking alcohol or using drugs like cocaine, heroin or marijuana

Because this was the first time that the question about prescription opioids has been given

David C. Harvey, a social worker said that even without a means of comparison, the numbers offered an important look at the lesser-known impact of opioids on adolescents

He said they strongly suggest that opioid use may be contributing to a rise in sexually transmitted diseases among young people

He noted that the report also shows that condom use is declining among teenagers

Fifty-four percent of teens who were sexually active reported using condoms the last time they had sex, compared to 62 percent in 2007

Combining that decline with prescription drug abuse is a recipe for transmissions of HIV and hepatitis as well as other STDs, such as syphilis

Although health disparities still remain among races, some sexual risk behaviors are decreasing across the board

Overall, the percentage of students who had ever had sex decreased to 39 percent in 2017 from 48 percent in 2007

The percentage of students who had experienced sexual dating violence declined to 7 percent in 2017 from 10 percent in 2013

Experts said that the decade-long decline in risky sexual behavior and drug and alcohol use underscored the ability of adolescents to make wise choices which made Dr. Mermin

“There’s strong data to show that family support and attention by your parents to what you’re doing can make a difference in an adolescent’s life,” he said.

He also said: “Communities can support access to mental health and substance use services. Schools can offer coping skills and bystander intervention training.”