Stefan is back
variety, diversity
my job is various and diverse
efficiency (noun)
im an effective, efficient and affectionate
level of efficiency
Residents in western Japan were cleaning up debris Monday evening after a powerful earthquake hit the area around Osaka, the country's second-largest city, killing four people and injuring hundreds while knocking over walls and setting off fires. The magnitude 6.1 earthquake that struck the area early Monday damaged buildings and left many homes without water or gas. The quake also grounded flights in and out of Osaka and paralyzed traffic and commuter trains most of the day.
free of charge / for free
Keeping vigil for Eurydice
Murder is rare in Australia, and murder by strangers rarer still. But the death of Dixon has become a symbolic moment, a flashpoint for anger at violence against women. It has added to #metoo’s exposure of women as fair game for harassment, the gendered nature of domestic violence, and spurred a conversation about the hyper-awareness women practice to be safe.
Fossil fuesl - Breaking news
they are all limited
non-renewable resources
Although fossil fuels are continually being formed via natural processes, they are generally considered to be non-renewable resources because they take millions of years to form and the known viable reserves are being depleted much faster than new ones are being made.
a stark warning from the Pontiff
a principial challenge
fossil fuels
closed-door meeting
the threat to humanity
the pontiff urged them
Clean energy is a duty that we owe towards ..
automaltic vs manual
decrease in general costs
highly educated manpower
hi-tech advanced economy
to learn one job and stay there
best possilble work in 5 years
aligned with a boss and his goals
independence in decision making
flexible working hours
aims, targets and goals