THEME A ~ Families
Family is important to all religions
A stable family can give a feeling a security and teach them how to behave, how to love and what's right or wrong
It is ideal for the child's biological parents to be married so that they have a role model for each sex
Family life is a way of introducing their child to their faith
Christians believe family life is an important way to build a stable society
It is important to educate the child about the faith -"bring (your children) up in the training and instruction of the Lord". This may include teaching the child about the Bible or saying grace before mealtimes
Sunday school teaches children morals and ideals through the study of Bible stories
Children are expected to honour and respect their parents
In Islam, families teach people how to be kind, considerate and affectionate. A strong family helps strengthen the Muslim community
Muslims should care for their parents as they deserve "good treatment"
Ceremonies which mark the start of a child's religious education connect them to their faith
Mosques have schools (madrasahs) which teach children how to read Arabic so they can learn the Qur'an
Muslims should only eat halal food, a rule which is enforced early on in life
Modern, non-religious British views
The typical nuclear family is becoming less common, as now people are more likely to split up or have children outside of a marriage
Instead, there are now more same-sex marriages, single-parent families and reconstituted families
Now there are more extended families that live together, for example if the grandparents live with their family - this can be to save money and help look after children
Despite most Christian views about divorce and re-marriage, Christians try to make reconstituted families or same-sex parent feel welcome in the Church, so that the children are brought up in a Christian way
Divorced Catholic aren't allowed to take communion (say the Lord's prayer, drink wine and eat bread)
Islam isn't supportive of same-sex parenting, but some try to be accepting because whatever their opinion, no one is without sin, so they shouldn't judge
Extended families are popular in Islam
The nature of a family is what it should be like e.g. in Islam a man, woman and children
The purpose of a family is what it should do e.g a family should be to raise children, prove to each other how much you love each other