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shipment (tables (necessary (batch (ID, type, Date, carriage, pallet(s),…
UPDATEbatch(ID As Long)
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Batch", dbOpenDynaset)
strcriteria = "[ID] = " & ID
rst.FindFirst strcriteria
پیدا کردن رکورد ID ورودی از جدول batch
strsql = "SELECT shipment.batch, Sum(shipment.[pallet(s)]) AS SumOfPallets FROM shipment GROUP BY shipment.batch HAVING (((shipment.batch)=" & rst!ID & "));"
Set rct = db.OpenRecordset(strsql)
محاسبه جمع پالت ها مربوط به batch از توی shipment
rst![pallet(s)] = rct!SumOfPallets
If rst![pallet(s)] = 0 Then rst!CostofUNIT = 0
Else rst!CostofUNIT = Round(DLookup("Cost", "CarriageTBL", "[ID]=" & rst!carriage) / rst![pallet(s)], 0)
End If
rst.Update **
درج مقدار جمع بدست آمده در فیلد pallets در batch
محاسبه costofunit از تقسیم هزینه وسیله حمل به تعداد پالت بدست آم**ده
sendEmail BTN
step 1 : appending the current week schedule in to the ShipmentPlanRecords table
SELECT main.Date, main.Part, main.Plan
WHERE (((main.Date)>=" & Me.Label8.Caption & " And (main.Date)<=" & Me.Label14.Caption & "));
step 2 : calculate the version of the current schedule
recordcount of recordset from recordsTRACE table with current week + 1
step 3 : Add the record containing version,release time and recorder's name in recordsTRACE table
recordID = rst!id
step 4 : Update the recorder column of the recent imported records in ShipmnetPlanRecords
ShipmentPlanRecords.Recorder =" & recordID & " WHERE (((ShipmentPlanRecords.Recorder)=0))
'step1 : make table temp1 containing date from batch , type from batch , part from shipment and sum of quantity from shipment