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Food Insecurity (Food insecurity impacting children (In 2015, children…
Food Insecurity
Food insecurity impacting children
Food insecurity has the ability to affect children's cognitive and behavioral development, academic achievement, as well as emotional wellbeing. The reason why is because hunger causes children to lose focus. Data indicates that lack of food causes many issues to a child as they are developing.
The nonprofit Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign released a report that revealed how school performance can negatively be impacted by food insecurity. The information from this nonprofit organization emphasizes the correlation between school performance and hunger.
In 2015, children represented about 44 percent of SNAP’s beneficiaries. Yet, a lot of those children still suffer from food insecurity. SNAP is one of the most helpful government assistant programs in regards to providing food; however, it still isn't enough.
Discuss how important this is for low-income people especially children. Tie this into how these children will suffer if Trump makes the budget cut to this program.
These children are reliant on this program. If they are one of the four million people cut, then what will they have?
Surveys indicate that 62% of low-income parents have the fear of running out of food before being able to buy more, and approximately 35% of children share that same fear. The data that supports this discusses how this isn't just a fear, but it is a fear based on their reality.
Research and study groups demonstrate why the rates of food insecurity are as high as they are and explains how exactly it affects children.
A report indicates that 46% of children from low-income households believe that hunger has been detrimental to them in their ability to perform their best at school and 12% of those children said that hunger had affected their ability to complete their homework assignments because they were so focused on their hunger.
I can elaborate on this by using pathos as a rhetorical appeal in order to create that sense of urgency for my audience.
Tie in a study that shows school performance of children in low-income households versus children in upper middle class neighborhoods.
There is research that indicates that children living with a disabled adult end up being three times as likely to experience low food security because the disabled parent is unable to bring a steady income.
Children have no control over their family's financial issues, parent's inability to work because of a disability, etc. so it is important to realize they have no control over their ability to provide themselves.
Food insecurity impacting minorities
Food insecurity is prevalent in areas that experience the outcomes of racialized policies.
Racial inequalities and disparities stem from structural racialization
Racialized policies have led to food insecurity among low-income households and people of color.
Food insecurity in the US isn’t a result of food shortages; to the contrary, it is a result of the limitations placed on minorities, which end up depriving them of opportunities.
Elaborate on the domino effect of the limitation on minorities and how it constantly restricts them from being able to get what they need and move up the ladder.
It is a common misconception that people have. A lot of minorities are targeted; as a result, they suffer because of prejudice they have to constantly deal with.
Minorities are the ones that tend to be heavily impacted by food insecurity, and that stems from many different factors. There is data from surveys that indicate that social, economic, political factors are deprived in some shape or form from minorities which end up ultimately causing many minorities to suffer from food insecurity.
The structuralization of racism and food insecurity are closely related.
People that were impacted by the highest rates of food insecurity in the US consisted of minorities specifically African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, single-parent households and households located in rural communities.
In 2015 the hourly wage for white workers was $21 while Hispanics earned $14, and blacks $15 per hour. It is even worse for minority women. The results showed that Hispanic women earn the lowest wage of $12, black women received $13, and white women earned $17…Wealth is unequally distributed, and this proves how that is a result of systemic racism.
Importance of government assistance
Trump proposed a budget that would call for a cut to federal SNAP spending. Research indicates that this will be detrimental because it will take funds from people that depended on this progam. Also, it will reduce the number of people that will be able to use SNAP.
There are many children that rely on free lunches at school, which is why Caroline Bologna urges the audience to share the goal of the No Kid Hungry campaign and discusses the danger of eliminating the SNAP benefits for families that would otherwise not be able to provide food for their family.
The US Education Secretary Betsy Devos believes that there is "no such thing as a free lunch" which is why she supports the cut to school lunch funding.
The school free lunch is the only secure meal that many low-income students are guaranteed in a day.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 expanded Medicaid in many states, which helped reduce the number of uninsured to 9.1% in 2015. As a result, this provided more families with the ability to save more money that could be used to buy food. The research indicates that low-income families that rely on government assistance programs have the ability to provide more for their families.
The SNAP program highlights the barriers that impoverished Americans have to overcome while ensuring that they have adequate and nutritious food that is essential for them to have a productive life.
The SNAP to Health initiative (the largest nutrition assistance program in the nation) serves 46 million people.
The SNAP program wants to cut down an additional 80 billion dollars by cutting about 4 million people who currently receive food assistance.
Methods to reduce food insecurity
There are “food deserts” in low-income urban/rural neighborhoods which makes it difficult for them to access food. There need to be efforts made to ensure that it is easily accessible.
Closer supermarkets will ensure that people in low-income neighborhoods that don't have cars can access food.
It won't be as much of a burden to access food.
Focus on structuralization of racism and work on creating programs specifically for minorities, because they are the ones that are impacted the most by food insecurity. Programs that are designed to help minorities give them a chance to prosper, and there are numerous surveys that indicate that.
Instead of cutting the funds for the SNAP program and taking it away from four million people, it should be expanded and have a bigger budget to help more people. There are many people that aren't extremely poor, but they suffer from food insecurity because they have too many other expenses to worry about.
The expansion of Medicaid would help more people become less food insecure because they will have more support from the government. I do believe that this will provide more low-income people the opportunity to provide food for themselves and their children.
A study conducted in a low-income neighborhood in order to see how extra government assistance programs specifically for minorities in low-income neighborhoods will be beneficial.
Study will prove that additional government assistance programs specifically for minorities will help them tremendously.
Minorities have always been at a disadvantage, but I want to discuss how this study can potentially help minorities in a significant way. This will help my argument, because I can present this possibility as one potential idea that can help minorities access food without them worrying about racial obstacles.