Glomerulus into bowman's capsule: Spits out everything except for some big proteins, RBCc, and other stuff too big to fit.
Proximal convoluted tubue: Nevermind! Let's grab almost everything out of the nephron and pull it back into the blood because we need it
Descending Loop of Henle: Water water water, into the nephrom, diffusing out because of the . . .
Ascending Limb: Na+ (and Cl+ that follows it) heading into the filtrate
Distal Convoluted Tubule: Wait, ew, there's still gross blood stuff, let's spit it out into the filtrate real quick
Collecting duct: Water water water (pt 2)
Then filtrate leaves the nephron, into the renal pelvis, out of the ureter, into the bladder, out of the urethra.