life in a monastery (5.2)

sizes of a monastery

is wealthier better

small monasterys

large monasterys

lage ones had sometimes hundreds of monks

small monasterys had about 20 monks

in small monasterys ,monks there all knew each other the also knew if

someone was missing from prayers

they did not work hard enough

were not unlikely to have a scriptorum so the work would be less varied

not every body knew each other

because they had different things to do

didn't own that much land

so it was likely that they all farmed on that land

some worked in the school

some looked after the foods and drinks

some worked in a hospital

some worked in a scriptorum

they owned to much land for them all to farm

but they had people that they called lay brothers

the lay brothers did all the farming

the lay brothers didn't have to attend to the specific duties of the monks

people gave the monasterys money and possession as their parents or if they died themselves because they thought god would approve them

some monasteries had a bad name for them not following st. benedict's rules