org structure
teams are HR tree
teams are HUGE - 13-20
Team Leaders are "responsibile"
TFS lack of goos reporting ablities
use of tool - customised in a manner that is not supported
QC is reduntant
how to measure value of feature?
how to lead R&D into end to end ownership?
how to slice HUGE feature to small value
Lead via data driven process - we can make decision by data
Multi team planing & tracking
Formal release planning
gather content to release
teams are not aware UP front of the content - get small pieces
QUALITY concept
BLAME culture - on QA mostly
lead to many many tests that have little value and takes too long
role of QA
owenership by team
Engineering Practices
branches - why so many??
talk about agile concepts
role of DEV TL? vs QA TL
role of SM
what is a HIGH performing team?
who is responsible of the delivery?
Feature Process is defined - missing visualisation
kanban boards
lack synch 'ceremonies" between teams and backlogs
missing tracking of multi team progress
cost of merge time
embrace the concept - CLEAN "GARAGE"
leader of good Engineering Practices
CI/CD concepts
awareness to concept of "fast feedback"
- fast - within 5-8 minutes
- slow - within 30 min inc integrations!
- slower - full test cycle (nightly)
- perfromance tests - / pre production
awareness of "quality gates" - test fail - build fails
awareness of builds - build fail - team is working on fixing it
click to edit
dashboard for builds?!?!
teams are TOO dependant with Orit's team - how can we build their on DevOps skills
Manual test thinking - embrace new mindset of speed
build process supporting "FAST" delivery - reduce hardening, minimise useless tests
lack of knowledge of agile - need training
concepf of planning based estimations -
estimate by teams not managers
change the "KPI" for progress