Penetration Step:
Power Step - align ankle/knee/shoulder.
Non-stepping leg -Drop step first if opponent is moving toward you, can also step out to side to create an angle
Chest on Thigh - stay low and penetrate forward, throw the chest down hard to get underneath defense
When teaching - break down into micro steps (drop step, stop, power step, stop, next step (point toes toward his back so you can start to cut the corner, head up, chest up, head drive into his armpit, down leg windshield-wipers), stop, finish
Double Leg
Setup (however preffered) - don't just shoot "from space"
Penetration step, get to legs. Down leg windshield-wipers outside, stepping foot turns to cut the corner, head up, drive at a 45 and pressure his armpit with head/chest
Double Leg Finishes
Shelf and Claw
Bundle his legs up with near arm, back of hand goes onto your own near leg, near leg lifts his legs into the air, head arm goes under head and "claws" his bottom shoulder
If he sprawls out, look for alternatives
Power Single
Abandon the double, look for the power single. Get to the feet. "Workbench", lift his leg with your knee, and finish
Look for double right away, but if you end up on your feet...
Switch to double
Get head to the outside, drive in, switch off to double leg, shelf/claw
Run the pipe
Both hands go to the back of his leg (his leg is probably between yours) and pop it straight. Short, choppy steps and circle into him.
Keep the ankle and stay on your feet if possible
If you do fall, step across opponent's hips to avoid being thrown/flipped
Circle away first, then step in deep with outside foot and squat to lift. While in the air, swing his legs to the side and move a hand to his hips. On the way down, get a leg turk on his bottom leg
Get the single, then wait for a call from Coach for a finish. Could start by letting them choose, then move to coach's choice.
Single Leg
Again, good shot then get to feet
Workbench - control the leg on your outside leg, use your outside leg to help lift his leg up, get outside arm underneath.
Run the pipe
Both hands go to the back of his leg (his leg is probably between yours) and pop it straight. Short, choppy steps and circle into him.
Keep the ankle and stay on your feet if possible
If you do fall, step across opponent's hips to avoid being thrown/flipped
It helps to drive in first, then hit it
Squat down and get the outside elbow under the leg (point the elbow to the floor), then walk hips in, pop him in the chest and kick the grounded foot out
Sweep Single
Helps to get him moving towards you (pressure/dropstep)
Penetrate straight to the leg, THEN sweep around. Trying to sweep wide will take too long, he will be gone already. Punch the sweep hand straight, not hooked. Land low on the leg. Can grab and pull the knee with back hand if desired.
Pressure on the leg the entire time, get shoulder behind the hamstring
When you get behind, drive into the knee. Then, get shooting hand to knee and back hand to laces and shelf the leg on your outside leg. Attack far knee/ankle for finish.
If your arm gets caught (he wizzers, etc), bump him forward them limp-arm out (elbow first) and attack the far ankle/knee (no higher, or you'll just get wizzered again).