Silmarillion Characters: Jonah, Matthew, Carlos

Iluvatar (King of the Ainur and the Grand Creator of the World)

IIuvatar's Children

The Orcs- A race made by Melkor to rival the elves, they served their leader in fear

Ainur (Powerful beings that are ruled over by IIuvatar)

Ea is described as being of "vast halls and spaces" burning with "wheeling fires" and histories unfolding amidst the "Deeps of Time"

Elves (Beautiful, intelligent creatures that love nature)

Men (Greedy powerful creatures that dwell in the earth.

Ainulindale (The music of the Ainur, created by Iluvatar)

Valar (Ainur that came to the earth to rule over elements in nature)

Finwe (King of Noldor,)

Finarfin (He was the fairest and the most wise of the sons, he became friends with the sons of Olwe and married Olwe's daughter

Fingolfin (Son of Finwe, was the strongest, most steadfast, and most valiant of the brothers

Melkor (Spirit of Fire and Ice the main Evil Spirit)

Ulmo ( Spirit of the Water and Seas)

Yavanna (Spirit of Nature and Flora)

Arda (The Middle Earth)

Feanor (He was the mightiest and most skilled with a sword, his spirit burned as a flame

Galadriel (The sister of the four friendly brothers, Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, and Aegnor, she was the most beautiful of them all in the Finwe house and had golden hair)

Sauron is Evil Servant of Melkor

Indis (Mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin, from Vanyar)

Indis (Mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin, from Vanyar)

Miriel Serinde (Mother of Feanor)

Yavanna- the goddess of Kelvar and Olvar

Valinor the place Valar moved to after Almaren was destroyed by Melkor

Mandos- the ruler of fate the one who also is the ruler of the Dead.

The Noldor (The high elves of the Second clan they moved to Valinor)

Orome (One of the elvish lords of Valar, he is the huntsman and lord of the forests

Eldar (The name of the West elves, their name given to them by Orome)

Manwe (The king of Valar, The wind and air are his servants, he is also the most noble of the Ainur

Aule (known as the craftsman of Valar)

Maiar (Spirits who serve as the helpers of the people of Valar

Balrogs (Corrupted Maiar called Valaraukar, were scourges of fire that roamed middle Earth, they are demons of terror

Illuin (A lamp raised in the North of Middle Earth)

Quendi (A name given to the elves that signified they spoke with voice but never met any other being who could do so)

Anati (A name given to the elves as the second people)

The dwarves (A race made by Aule as the blacksmiths of the mountains