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NLP (:straight_ruler:metrics (:recycle:Multiclass (:two:average=micro (…
:explode:Number of documents correctly assigned to a category out of the total number of documents predicted
:explode:Number of documents correctly assigned to a category out of the total number of documents in such category
:pencil2:\( \text{f1} = 2 * \frac{\text{precision} * \text{recall}}{\text{precision} + \text{recall}} \)
:star:An \(F1\) score is considered perfect when it’s \(1\), while the model is a total failure when it’s \(0\).
:bread:语言模型会计算出某个位置上各种单词出现的概率,记为p; 所以perplexity=mean(log(p))
:green_apple:Named Entities Recognition, NER