Statement of intent:outdoor seating for people with chronic fatigue

Existing solutions

Possible location of use

User requirements

form of seating

Are there other products which are available which solve a similar product?

What are the different forms of outdoor seating?

why is existing everyday furniture not working?

Does it have to be a specific shape and have certain characteristic to help aid needs?

What limitations does it offer?

what are the different locations?



What materials are suitable for an outdoor environment?

Can it still be functional and maintain aesthetic?

What are the specific needs that need to be included?

Who is the user?

Existing product analysis of current outdoor seating.

Questionnaire to sufferers about what is already available and what needs to be put in place.

Market research, looking at what works and doesn't.

Examine several existing successful forms of aided seating

Examine several existing successful forms of aided outdoor seating.

Explore different art movements and the aesthetic features and the products they have influenced.

Take a form of Primary research such as trying out different chair shapes with someone who is suffering from chronic fatigue.

Carry out an investigation of influential factors from the location.

Meet up with current sufferers and talk to them about there needs and what they are going through. (primary)


Go online and have a look a series of chronic fatigue cases and the effects. (secondary)

Investigate what material are sutible for the outdoors by looking at existing materials being used and trying out different finishes.

Photograph how existing products are used and look for oppertunities.

Market research, looking at what existing aesthetics work on these products.