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Human Resource Development (Challenges to organisations and to HRD…
Human Resource Development
HRD is a set of
planned activities
designed by the organisation to provide its members with the opportunities to learn necessary skills to meet
job demands
Core of HRD is learning new skills, relearning new skills that you don't know
Learning starts when the employees join the company at whatever level, and continues throughout the whole period in the company
HRD Functions
Training & Development (T&D)
Changing or improving the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes of individuals
Training - equip people with skills to do their CURRENT job
Development - equip people with skills to do their FUTURE job
Organisation Development (OD)
Process of enhancing the effectiveness of an organisation and the well-being of its members through planned interventions that apply behavioral science concepts
Act as a change agent
Career Development
Ongoing process by which individuals progress through a series of stages, each of which is characterized by a relatively unique set of issues, themes and tasks
Challenges to organisations and to HRD professionals
Increasing workforce diversity
e.g. multi-generational workforce
The need for lifelong learning
e.g. SkillsFuture, Re-skilling, returning to workforce
Eliminating the skills gaps
e.g. educated workers
Facilitating organisational learning
e.g. learn, adapt and change -> learning tools
Competing in a global economy
e.g. Cultural sensitivity
Training & HRD Process
Design + Implementation
Develop/acquire materials
Select trainer/leader
Develop lesson plan
Select methods and techniques
Define objectives
Schedule the program/intervention
Deliver the HRD program/intervention
Assess needs
Prioritize needs
Determine evaluation design
Conduct evaluation of program/intervention
Select evaluation criteria
Interpret results
Benefits of Training
Better customer service
Better knowledge & skills
Higher productivity
Customer is better served by you because you would have more product knowledge