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Words & Sentences (Sentence production (speech errors
Words & Sentences
Sentence production
- speech errors
- hesitations
- tip of tongue
- aphasias
Mesage level
- content wanted to transmit
- effect speaker wants to produce
- forms permitted by language
Lexical selection
- meaning level
- syntax
- phonology
- serial or interactive
- one word at a time
- parallel - possible words narrowed down
- choosing items vs syntactical structure
- one or two steps
Phrasal processes
- how much is planned ahead of time?
- serial, interactive, parallel
- structure and lexical selection
- Speech is planned in advance
- funciton words not mistaken for content words
- mistakes not random
evidence from aphasias
- grammar & semantic knowledge seems separate
- Broca's & Wernicke's aphasia
- in Broca's, comprehension relatively spared
Listen for meaning not grammar in sentences
once propositional representation formed linguistic representation dumped
experimental evidence
linguistic form can only be held briefly
semantic details recalled longer
able to detect semantic changes bad at structural changes
Meaning accessed through grammar
picture painted by man (irreversible)
dog bit man (reversible, but context)
Grammatical ambiguities
- lexical-categorial ambiguities
- unsure which category a word belongs to
- e.g. noun/verb
- structural ambiguities
- unclear where phrase components start and end
- categorical ambiguities
- fire weapon / there is a fire
- noun phrase, or verb phrase
- british left waffles
- (the) british left, waffles (talks nonsense)
- attachment ambiguity
- NBA referees ugly
- Complaints ugly
Context, coherence & cohesion
Co-operative discourse - Grice
"Make your contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged"
- Quantity
- say no more and no less than is necessary
- Quality
- only say what you believe to be true
- Relevance
- Manner
This is how we should try to understand
if irrelevant answer given, process as if it follows rules
Coherence & coheison
- coherence
- whether a text is meaningful
- Cohesion
- linguistic elements which make text coherent
cohesive devices
- anaphora
- pronouns to refer backwards
- jim likes football. Jim watches it every weekend
- jim likes football. he watches it every weekend
- cataphora
- pronouns refer forwards
- he watches it every weekend. Jim loves football.
- less common than anaphora
- discourse connectives
- john went home because he wasn't enjoying himself
- john went hom although he was enjoying
- conunctions
- john went home. he cooked dinner.
- john went home and cooked dinner
- john went home then cooked dinner
Cohesive devices actually make more ambiguous
context sorts this out
- john went home and he cooked dinner
- john went home and john cooked dinner
- john went hom and ken cooked dinner
To parse cohesive devices
a vs. the (the refers to soemthing, a doesnt)
- shadowing (esp including corrections)
- indicates online processing
- sentence gating
- don't need whole sentence
- Garden path
- mary gave the child the dog bit a plaster
- mary the child [that] the dog bit [comma] a plaster
- indicates parsing strategy committed to was wrong
- must determine which grammatical category belong to
- must determine relations
- parsing
- the boy saw the dog in the park with a telescope
- then get meaning
- recognise word's class
- recognise linear & heirarchical relation in sentence
- tree structure
- from conscious process of translation
- can process sentence without 'sense'
- can distinguish grammatical/ungrammatical sentence without sense
- children learn grammar independent of meaning
- "colourless green ideas sleep furiously"
- syntactically grammatically correct, but meaningless
alternative view
- sentence structure determined by key words
- constructions
- combinations of words/phrases and meanings
- children learn fixed & partially fixed phrases
- only later develop grammatical knowledge
- schemas
- juice allgone
- mummy's juice
- schemas combined
Artificial Intelligence
early view
- early AI took Chomsky view
- syntax (and morphology) separate from semantics
- parsing
- identify part of speech
- group words into phrases
- range of ways of interpreting meaning
- whole sentence in one go
- modular
- meaning handled separate from structure
Finding words
Not purposeful pauses
could be um, er,
false starts
i think...
could be stretching of words
- Macro-planning
- where the sentence is going
- Micro-planning
- finding specific words
- pauses more likely to precede less predictable words
- hand gestures indicate found meaning but not word
Evidence of lemma from gestures
gesture the shape of something froma concept
maybe make a fish shape with hands but can't think of word fish
wrong word form
blends exchanges, etc.
simultaneuously accessing more than one form
perserveration - forming words
substitution - freudian slip - accessing some relation or meaning
- knowledge that there is a word
- 'feel' like it's there
- can retrieve partial info
- It begins with a...
- beginnings and ends easier (bathtub)
Different aspects of retrieval
access some but not all information
lemma retreival - holding place for a concept
99% speech errors same word class
87% same number of syllables
98% stress pattern
suggests we have some phonological pattern with incorrect details
- substitution errors
- lexicon organised paradigmatic relation
- left/right, cow/horse
- Freudian slip
# lexicon; words organised by form AND by meaning
lexical access
- 1-step from concept to word & all information
- 2-step lemma entry
- lexical entry
- semantic (meaning) and noun (count, proper)
- form entry
- morph (is it the right version for sentence) and phon (say)
evidence for 2 stage
lemma - tip of tongue
Sheep should prime goat and goal if info held together
Sheep primes goat but not goal
2 stage process interactive
feedback / correction process
damage to broca's area - damage to grammar
anomia - can't find the name for something (ToT)
left H - problems with words
Right H - problems with names/people
Transcortical sensory aphasia
loss of conection from sound to meaning
word repetition in tact (do not make corrections)
suggests meaning not accessed
Child language acquisition
- words learned through associative learning (type 1 conditioning!)
- words able to be learned without grammar (and without ability)
- appears as though information is separate
- meaning/type
- morphology/phonology
- phon and sem can be disrupted in either direction
- must interact due to error types
- physical location in the brain not as clear as Broca's (grammar)