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super mind (Part 3 How can superminds make Smarter Decisions? (第9章 Smarter…
super mind
Part 3 How can superminds make Smarter Decisions?
第9章 Smarter Communities
第8章 Smarter Makets
第7章 Smarter Democracies
第6章 Smarter Hierarchies
第10章 Smarter Ecosystems
第11章 Which Superminds are Best for Which Decisions?
Part 6 How can Superminds help Solve Our Problems?
第18章 Climate Change
第19章 Risks or Artificial Intelligence
第17章 Corporate Strategic Planning
Part 2 How can computer help make superminds Smarter?
第4章 How much General Intelligence Will Computers Have?
第3章 How will people Work with Computers?
第5章 How Can Groups of people and Computers Think More Intelligently?
Part 5 How Else Can Supermins Think more Intelligently?
第15章 Smarter Remembering
第16章 Smarter Learning
第14章 Smarter Sensing
Part 4 How can Superminds Create more Intelligently?
第12章 Bigger is (often) Smarter ?
第13章 How can We Work Together in New Ways?
Part 7 Where are we Headed?
第20章 Hello,Internet,Are you Awake?
第21章 The Global Mind
Part 1 What are Superminds?
第1章 Would you Recognize a Supermind If you Saw it on the Street?
第2章 Can a Group Take an Intelligence Test?
他对 自我意识consciousness的定义 包含 5个条件:
2.可以 自知
3.行为有 目的性
5.可以 描绘自我的体验