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TASK 7: (Defense mechanisms
= Freud saw that everyday life was also…
Defense mechanisms
= Freud saw that everyday life was also dominated by other, less dramatic compromises
occurs when impulse and emotion charged subjects are directly approached in an intellectual manner without emotional involvement
occurs when impulse and emotion charged subjects are directly approached in an intellectual manner without emotional involvement
occurs when people act because of one motive but explain the behavior to themselves and others on the basis of a more acceptable one
= occurs when a child identifies with the same sex parent and internalizes that oedipal impulses are not socially desired (-> this is the way the moral demands of the superego develop
Metapsychology attempts to develop a general model of the mind
• 1923: Freud published “The Ego and Id” in which he argued that the human mind is constantly beset three kinds of demands
Instinctual demands = biologically based urges for nourishment, warmth, sexual gratification and the like (ID
Reality based demands = to survive a person must learn to manipulate the environment (PERCEPTION CONSCIOUSNESS SYSTEM
Moral demands = motivate people in directions contrary to both, the instincts and the demands of the physical reality (SUPEREGO
EGO =hypothetical psychic agency for producing compromises between the Id, PCS and the Superego
1895: Studies on Hysteria by Freud and Breuer that is today recognized as the starting point for a new field that Freud came to call Psychoanalysis
general hypothesis hat hysterics suffer mainly from reminiscences, namely memories ef emotionally charged experiences that have been somehow “forgotten
Sigmund Freud
born on may 6th 1856 in Freiberg, Czech Republic
Franz Bretano (1838-1917)
= was one of Freud’s teachers who promoted the so called act psychology (analysis of thoughts) and intentionality (ability of the mind to form representations)
Ernst Brücke (1819-1892)
= was the founder of the “New Physiology” together with Freud and other students that sought mechanic explanations for all organic phenomena
Treatment methods
Pressure technique
= Freud first treated patients with this technique, in which patients were asked to recall earliest experiences of their symptoms to get their pathogenic ideas while pressing their forehead. Later he realized that the pressure was not necessary, and the encouragement was enough
Seduction theory
= 1896, all hysterics must have undergone sexual abuse as children -> conclusion after observing that many suppressed memories dealt with sexual experiences in childhood
• His theory was received poorly by many of his colleagues and they stopped referring patients to him and Freud himself started to doubt about his method
The interpretation of dreams – 1900
Freud himself was interested in dreams because patients occasionally brought up dream material and his former teacher Meynert had taught that there were similarities between certain psychopathological conditions and dream
Manifest content = consciously experienced content of a dream that is typically marked by disjoint chronology and fails to make real sense
Latent content = hidden content that originally inspired the dream and seems to have the greatest personal significance for the dreamer -> can be called up after extensive free association
Dream Work = dreams often originate with a series of latent thoughts which the sleeping mind transforms into manifest content my means of 3 processes
Displacement = the highly charged latent content is being displaced onto the related but emotionally more neutral ideas of the manifest content -> it is a defensive function enabling the dreamer to experience less disturbing images than the thoughts that originally inspired it
Condensation = several latent thoughts may be symbolized by a single image or element of the manifest content
Concrete Representation = the manifest content typically represents latent ideas by means of concretely experienced sensations
Thought processes
Freud started to make a connection to his hysterical patients who often distinctly remembered sexual experiences . He claimed that perhaps dreams and symptoms have a similar origin, namely indirect (sexual) wishes rather than actual experiences
The psychology of women
• Conclusion: boys have a greater burden of oedipal anxiety to deal with and hence require a stronger and more severe internalization of parental restraint to deal with it which results in a stronger Superego
Castration Complex - = Boys experience enhanced anxiety due to the knowledge that there are people without penises. They intensely fear that their father might castrate them too if they open revealed their oedipal wishes. Girls do not feel anxiety because they are already “castrated” but are envy and have unconscious wish to be like a boy and have a penis