Strong determination displayed by Newton Newmon

Newt climb the highest building in Appleton town.

Newt helped JJ with her allergic to grammar and spelling error.

Newt finally overcome his fear at the dumpster.




As a young person, it is hard to make decision to risk your life for others or not. Although, Newt has a strong determination to help others over his fear.

Even though he fear of height, he stick to his intention to help Reggie Ratner and persuade him to climb down.

Newt climb over the water tower when he heard the news that Reggie Ratner is about to commit suicide.




JJ noticed a grammatical error and spelling error on a jewelry store. Though, she does not have the courage to correct the owner.

JJ asked Newt for help instead. Newt bravely went into the jewelry store and tell Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan about the error.

For some kids, they are not brave enough to correct the adults. Even so, Newt is brave enough to do it by his strong determination.




Cecil found a big bass drum on top a pile of dumpster. He wanted to fetch it but he could not so he asked for Newt's help.

Newt fear of height. Even so, he decided to overcome his fear to fulfill Cecil's favor. By that, he eventually overcome his fear.

Not every young person would overcome his fear or phobia just because a friend. Nevertheless, Newt's friendship has given him the strong determination to help Cecil no matter what.