P1 - Liberal feminists - all men and women should have the same civil rights in society. There need to be reforms - e.g. changes in the law, like education and employment or changes in culture - traditional prejudices and stereotypes are obstacles to overcome
Oakley - distinguishes between sex and gender. To achieve equality, we must change the process of gender socialisation
Seek to promote appropriate role models in education and the family and challenge gender types in the media
Changes in socialisation are gradually leading to more rational attitudes towards gender, e.g. political action to introduce anti-discriminatory laws and policies are steadily bringing about progress towards a fairer society in which gender is no longer important.
Criticism - Functionalism - Parsons - instrumental and expressive role. Whereas, Lib Fems - both men and women are equally as capable of performing both roles, but traditional gender roles prevent this
Closest to a consensus view of society - recognises conflict between men and women, these are not seen as inevitable, just a product of outdated attitudes.
Other criticisms - over optimistic and ignores structures that cause oppression such as capitalism and patriarchy