Can modern physics legitimately address the question of why there is something rather than nothing?

Big Bang Theory

Lematire: the universe began from an exploding atom of energy in a fireworks beginngin

Hubble: data leads to the idea of an expadning universe

opposed Steady STate


God cannot b e reduced to the role of a scientifc hypothesis

colsmmology does still have meaning for phiosophy

Nothing --> Something

how did the universe spontaneously come into existence?


quantum gravity allows the universe to be created from nothing

BUT doesn't the existence of quantum mechanics count as something

particles can appear from no particles but not from nothing; a quantum state with zero energy is not nothing

there are theories that suggest that space and time themselves are not fundamental but emerge grom a state wihtout space and tiome

a phsyical state without space or time still isn't nothing

where did the quantum laws describing these processes come from?

origin of quantum laws


the multiverse

even if we did have a theory of nothing we should not speak of this nothing as existing and this nothing, whgatever it is is capacble of genrating a universe


Traditional phiosophical theology

Creatio Originans

Creatio Continuans

Creatio ex Nihilo

God creates out of nothing

ikmmediate cause of the worlds' existence

fabricates the universe

no already existing stuff

brings finite reality into being

God preserve finite reality in being moment by momment

Tehology proposes a self-explanatory cause - the creator - which is the fundamental source of being and order, and in which all existing things participate

Dsitinct properties of the creator

it preoposes an ultimate explnmation for the existence and basic order of whatever sicnece discovers -penultimate order

unable to describe anything before creation (stoeger)

Hartle-Hawking reslut

HOWEVER, existence of wave function doesn't count as nothing

may have demonstrated that physics and cosmology can explaion how the universe emerges from nothing since there is no intial boundary nor any classical time that can be defined

Earlier phase of the universe before the Big Bang?

doesn't procide sufficient accouynt of phase transitio n

ekpyrotic scanario

universe is a 3D D-brane floating in a higher dimensional space

collison causes big bang

collision would need to be finely tuned to cause big bang and creatio nfo our universe

no phsyics describes nothing

there is not a physi8cs that describes how existence is realised from non-existence

Self-substiting self explanatory cause, the creator

fundamental cauyse of being and order

primary cause unliune any other cause because it gives existence and order and does not act in place or paralelle with any other order

Tehology of creatio nis concerned with the ultimate source of the existence, dyaniism and order of whater phsyics and cosmolofgy receal about primordial processes in the veyr early universe

cause as applied to GOd should be conceived not as a physical force but as a relationship of dependcen which is always present

creation is not abouta tempeoral beginnign

god as primary cause, is a necessary condition for all that happens

the creator is always sustaining all that is in existence (stoeger)

a critical theology supports whaterv ecosmology as a science legitimately concludes

cosmology really strongly constrains theology of creation to that particular rol, discouraging it from entering into competiton with physics to provide alternative agents og change