Assessment to gather evidence of student learning, provide feedback, and how the teacher can adjust instruction.
Think Pair Share
Exit Tickets
Measures student learning progress and it is given each 6 to 8 weeks.
Assessment of Course Performance (ACP)
End of six weeks test
Evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against a standard or objective.
Terra Nova
Students show how to complete or perform a task or skill
Strategies to solve math problem
Informative Essay
Assessment that allows a teacher to determine students' individual strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction.
Unit Pre-test
KWL Chart
H.O.T Questions
Guided Questions
Closing Questions
Opening Questions
What is a landform?
Can you name three landforms?
How would you categorize landforms?
Can you explain the difference between a lake and a river?
Would it be better to live by the valley or the lake? Why?
What would happen if there was no oceans?