Global trends
Migration and Multiculturalism
Theories of globalization
democracy and globalization
growing population in Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa
Europe and North America: ageing population, demographic change
tendencies in migration: #
better educated
migration much more common
less interest to invest in host society
proportion of foreign-born population increasing in developed regions
John Stuart Mill: democracy and state with different nations don´t go together #
Multiculturalism- coexistence of people from different ethnicities and cultures
liberal theory: same opportunities
different, but equal
Kymlicka: Migrants don´t equal minorities
division, ghettos; focus on culture and symbols rather than actual socio-economic discrimination
Rationalization v Culturalization
Emile Durkheim essence of social development is institutional and cultural differentiation --> national institutions and culture will grow weaker
Max Weber essence of social development is rationalization --> culture and identity become less important
Anthony Giddens modernization involves time-space distancing, disembedding, reflexivity --> universalization
Malcolm Waters economic, political and cultural dimensions; material exchange localizes, political exchange internationalizes and symbolic exchange globalizes
Manuel Castells homogenization processes will lead to counter-reaction --> importance of identity and culture increases
Huntington CULTURALIZATION (clash of civilizations)
Multi-level governance
Modern vs post-modern state
weak nation state?
Individual and group rights
modernization created the concept of individual rights (natural law; equal political rights)
multiculturalism increasing the importance for institutionalized group rights?
Liberal social theory
Procedural Liberalism #
supports individualism, rests on the assuption of a homogenous society (Kant, Dworkins (no nation, no democracy) Rawls)
Substantive Liberalism #
cultural identity needs "the other", cultural identity as dialogical
dominant groups exist, it is not all neutral
diverging interest okay --> compromise becomes important and appreciated
Charles Taylor
cultural vs political group rights: granting collective political rights (Linz, Stepan)
multicultural societies need a unified societal space; need group rights
group rights differ: immigrant minorities not the same as national minorities
group rights 1. within immigrant group; 2. immigrant group and rest of society