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summer game ideas (character abilityes (climb up walls, clone self(other…
summer game ideas
character abilityes
Manipulate time(Exhaustion very easily)
slow down speed to increase his speed and reaction time
can shout time ray that can age target to dust
Fire balls,flame throwers
absorb redirect heat energy
Magic Use
unleash a raw magical energy upon their enemies. Whether it be flames, ice, or pure arcane energy
revealing and granting knowledge and information to the caster. Useful for reading ancient scripts, identifying magical items, and seeing invisible enemies.
manipulating the various senses of people and creatures. This could be vision, hearing, or other various senses such as body temperature.
independent goverments
The __,who were apart of the AAA empire and are of CCC
The____kingdom,one of the most powerful kingdom in the AAA empire
The ___, exiles from a civil war from BBB and has connections in the outer rim.
The ____legion.hired by company's to protect valuable assets outside empire space like the outer rim
.._ is the largest independent mining operations,left there federation and used there wealth to produce bases in secret,many pirate factions have tried to take over ore territory with little suscess
a religious group that focuses on humanitarian aid and thinks the gates are a gate way to heaven. they also do experiments with eve gates to see how they work.
Criminal organizations
The of mankind from the AAA empire, it was started years ago from a man named _ who was the relative of the emperor at the time.Those who
be·lieve in the mans teachings should be exterminated to bring about paradise.It is a doomsday cult that ha commuted several atrostrosity Throughout the years.
1.obtain ancient artifact
2.Build a construct or magical device
3 Carry out a persons plan or wishes
4.Contact person or a person of _
5.Over throw a governement
6.Destroy a bloodline or clan .
7.seize control of an army.
8.conquer a region
Dream game 1
Solus Prime;makers of ancient weapons and realics,finds joy in creation.
Alchemist Prime; co-founder of the early civilization,control over elements.
Prima;warrior of light.
Paladins,Highswords,Soulbow,Necromancer,High priest
Nexus Prime:transform into a giant, is a prankster
Liege Maximo:the talker, the manipulative one who could bend words and thoughts much more easily than metal.He was often watchful and quiet, absorbing, calculating. He had a knack for instantly understanding where the nuts and bolts of a person were hidden, where their secret switches lay.
All mind abilityes
Amalgamous Prime:had quite a short fuse and was easily frustrated. He was also one of the only known shape-shifting
shape shifting beasts
Quintus Prime:a strong tendency toward perfectionism and idealism. He constantly sought expression of his ideas and was driven to prove his theories correct by an experimental invention.believed overwhelmingly that life was the most important, sacred thing, to be encouraged to flourish at all costs in all varieties to enrich the universe.
A Creator of Life**
spell catagatorys
Heal and buff things
used by Cleric or Priest
//(Touched)Spare the Dying(level0)
(Touch)Cure Wounds(level1)
(Touched)Inflict Wounds(level1)
(Ranged)Purify Food and Drink(level1)
(Touched)Enhance Ability(level2)
(Touched)Gentle Repose(level2)
//(Ranged)Prayer of Healing(level2)
(make a weapon)Spiritual weapon(level2)
water walk(level3)
giant insect(level4)
mass Heal(level5)
flesh to stone(level6)
Magic from other classes
used by paladin cursed knights ,Druids,or bards
(self)magic armor(level1)
hail of thorns(level1)
wrathful smite(level1)
Find Steed(level2)
(AOE)Zone of Truth(level2)
Non Detection(level3)
(Touched)Bestow Curse(level3)
(Ranged)Animate Dead(level3)
Hallucinatory Terrain(level4)
(Touched)Freedom of Movement(level4)
Locate creature(level4)
Teleportation circle(level5)
(Touched)Raise Dead(level5)
Prismatic Wall
Abstract and physic
used by shaman or talisman
(Ranged)Find Familiar(level1)
Comprehend Languages(level1)
(Ranged)Healing spirit(level2)
(Ranged)Summon Bestial Spirit(level2)
(Ranged)Calm Emotions(level2)
(AOE)Spirit Guardians(level3)
(Ranged)summon fey spirit(level3)
phantom steed(level3 ritual)
Phantasmal killer(level4)
(Calm Spells,Frenzy spells,Courage spells )
! evocation creating energy
used by sorcerer and elemental'st
(level1)Chromatic Orb(shootout)
(shootout in-cone) Prismatic Spray(level7)
wind wall(level3)
wall of thorns(level6)
produce flame(level0)
(level0)scorching ray(FIRE)(shoot out ray)
(level1)Fire bolt(FIRE) (shootout)
(level2)wall of fire(FIRE)
(level3)fireball(FIRE) (shootout)
(level4)incendiary cloud(FIRE)(shoot out in-cone)
(level5)flame Strike(FIRE)(column goes down)
(level6)flame blade(FIRE)(make weapon)
(level9)Fire Storm(FIRE)(AOE)
(level9)Meteor Swarm
Lunamancer (Moon, Winter)
(level0)frost bite (ICE)
(level1)Ray of frost (ICE)(shoot out ray)
(level2)Ice Spear(ICE)
(level3)Sleet storm
(level3)iceberg throw(ICE)(shootout)
(level4)wall of ice(ICE)
(level4)ice storm
(level5)Ice Tomb(ICE)
(level6)Glacial prison(ICE)
(level6)Otilukes freezing sphere(shoot out)
(level7)ice weapon(ICE)(make any weapon)
(level8)white ice/ice armor(ICE)(self)
(level0)fog cloud
(level1)gust of wind
(level2)zapping lighting(lighting)(shootout continues)
(level3)lighting bolt(lighting)(shoots out 1 time)
(level4)lighting spear(lighting)
(level5)chain lighting(lighting)(Aoe)
(level7)Thunderous smite(lighting)
(level8)lighting-charged blade(lighting)(make weapon)
(level9)thunder storm(lighting)(AOE)
(level1)Guiding Bolt(Light/Raidient)(shoot out)
(level6)sunbeam(Light/Raident)(shootout beam)
obliteration beam(**)
Ranged)Shield of Faith(level1)
(Touched)Lesser Restoration(level2)
protect from poison(level2)
(AOE)Beacon of Hope(level3)
(Touched)Remove Curse(level3)
(Touched)Death Ward(level4)
(Ranged)Planar Binding(level5)
shield of faith(level5)
Anti-magic Field(level8)
(make any weapon) spiritual weapon(level2)
Conjure volley(level3)
Conjure barrage(level3)
(Ranged)Guardian of Faith(level4)
(Ranged)Cloud of daggers(level2)
(level5)conjure elemental(Ranged)
(Ranged)Insect Plague(level5)
(Ranged)Planar Ally(level6)
(AOE)word of recall(level6)
(Ranged)Blade Barrier(level6)
Plane Shift(level7)
robot armor suits power scale
Tier1:power that a human being posses
Tier 2:have super human ability's then the average human being
Tier 3:Can casually wipe out buildings or city's with there power. hurt or endure attacks from suits that can do the same.
Tier 4:Can emit or endure the energy of an average atomic bomb(25 megatons)some suits can rival or surpass 50 megatons(Tzar bomba).
Tier 5:Suits that can destabilize the crust or foundation of an island or or continent.The highest in this tier can vaporizer or cause massive damage to continental crust.
Bring villain to justice
Determine the villain identity
stop band of smugglers
Secure aid from a ruler or council
smuggle weapons to rebel forces
find wanted fugitive
overthrow a tyrant
protect an object
protect or hide NPC
Locate a stolen item
Beast or monstrosity with no particular agenda
Dragon bent on domination or plunder
Giant bent on plunder
Humanoid cultist
Humanoid seeking revenge
Item rarity
potion of giant strength:variety rarity
potion of health:variety rarity
Armor of Invulnerability:Legendary
Cloak of invisibility:Legendary
Talisman of pure Good:Legendary
Talisman of Ultimate evil:Legendary
Staff of the magi:Legendary
rod of holy might:Legendary
Rod of resurrection:Legendary
Robe of the arch mage:legendary
Dancing sword:Legendary(any weapon)
ring to elemental command:Legendary
Hammer of thunderbolts:Legendary
Holy avenger sword:legendary(any weapon)
Vorpal sword :Legendary
Luck blade;Legendary (any sword)
Animated shield:rare
Berserker Axe:rare(Cursed)
Boots of speed:rare
Boots of levitation:rare
bowl of commanding water elements:rare
Brazier of commanding Fire Elements:rare
staff of healing:rare
ring of The Ram:rare
Elemental Gem:rare
Demon armor: rare
Manual of Golem:rare
Dragon scale mail:rare
crystal ball:rare
Stone of controlling earth elemental:rare
potion of flying:rare
Staff of frost:rare
Staff of fire:rare
Amulet of wound closure:rare
Cloak of displacement:rare
Daerns instant fortress:rare
ring of resistance:rare
Amulet of health:rare
sword of life stealing:rare
Dagger of venom:rare
Dragon slayer sword:rare(any weapon)
Giant slayer axe:rare(any weapon)
potion of speed:rare
staff of thunder and lighting:rare
staff of swarming insets:rare
scroll of protection:rare
Necklace of fireballs:rare
Helmet of teleportation:rare
Rod of absorption:rare
Ring of regeneration:rare
Nine Lives Stealer:Rare (any sword)
Owathbow:Rare (Longbow)
Flame Tongue sword:rare (any weapon)
Frost Brand sword:rare(Any weapon)
Cape of mountebank:rare
figurine of wondrous power:rare
Gauntlet of ogre power:Uncommon
ring of warmth:uncommon
potion of Resistance:uncommon
potion of fire breath:uncommon
Gem of brightness:uncommon
pearl of power:uncommon
javelin of lighting: uncommon
Lantern of revealing:uncommon
potion of climbing:uncommon
Ice Revolver
slows enemy on impact,and freeze into ice on impact
Storm Eagle
Can shock on impact,and create roaring force on impact.(user can choose how much force or power is used)
Glacier sniper Rifle
may pierces on impact ,slows enemy on impact,and freeze into ice on impact
fantasy game
Powered by the user's mastery of space. Allows for time travel; stop, slow down or speed up flow of time; accelerate or slow down ageing; see into the past and future; and bend time to the user’s will.
Can slow time
Can stop time
Can speed up time
Use unity Time.Delta time
slow time for everything but not player Tutorial:Unity3D SlowMotion all but player
Powered by the user's mastery of power. Allows travel through space, mostly through teleportation. Able to interfere with the motion of other objects.
Powered by the user's mastery of time. Alters all of reality; similar to the effects of a Cosmic Cube, but much, much higher.
Powered by the user's mastery of soul. Near-limitless psionic/psychic abilities including empathy, telepathy, and telekinesis.
Powered by the user's mastery of reality. Observe, attack or even steal a being's soul or spirit. Also used to revert individuals to their natural state.
Powered by the user's mastery of mind. Increases strength and durability, enhances virtually any known superhuman ability, energy manipulation. It also supplies the other gems with their power/energies.
battle mage
Fighter(Fighters are viewed as either a warrior, magic caster, or a hybrid of both who fights offensively on the battlefield.)
berserk( warriors can bathe in the corpse’s of their enemies blood and gain a bonus.)
Guardians(Guardians are protectors in-charge of defending places they positioned themselves in such as cities.)
Monk(Monk is a class which can use the power of ki to turn their own body into a living weapon suited for battle)
battle cleric(are also given a part-time job in places that require their healing magic.)
Necromancer(Necromancer was a job class that allowed one to turn a corpse into an undead slave.)
Druid(Druids are regarded as the kind of magic casters that harness nature’s power to aid them in battle.)
Elementalist(Elementalist are listed as arcane magic casters that specialize in the use of a particular element.)
Squire(a squire is an attendant to a paladin before becoming a paladin himself/herself.)
Sacred Archers(could imbue their divine power with ranged weapons instead)
Paladin( could imbue their divine power with melee weapons)
Archer(Archer is a class for those using the bow and arrow to fight from afar.)
Armored Mage(Armored Mage is the kind of class with the capability of allowing magic casters to use armors)
leather worker
alchemy(make potions)
enchanting(weapons and gear)
beast master
paladian: divine spell caster
warlock: pact with entry for power
when you level up you gain 3 spells are avallable || certain pre- requites need to be met to learn a spell
Humanoid: -racial levels don't apply||gain 1skill point per level ||6/5 level
spells are the highest for humans.
Demi-human:-can level up racial skills/gain 2 skill points per level
Lisard men
beast men
Heteromorph:gain most from racial level,limit levels you can put into job class./gain 3 skill point per level
mag-Discs(most people use this to channel there mana /some people don't need this to channel there mana):
skill level
Sanamancer (Life, Health)
Lunamancer (Moon, Winter)
Domimancer ( control and summon )
Astromancer (Stars, Dimension)
- Vargas Male/Buster Sword/Fire
-Selena Female/Rapier/Ice
-Eze Male/Great sword/lighting
-Atro Male/Sword/Light
-Magress Male/Lance/Dark
-Zephu Male/Spear/Water
- Lario Male /Bow/Earth
-Mifune Male/katana/Dark
-Merith Female/Staff/Water/Healer
Claris female/Staff/Earth/Geomancer
Lily female/Cards/Dark/Magician
-Zaza Male/Axe/Earth/Bandit Captain
-Agni Male/Sword/Fire/Knight
-Queen Lidith Female/Sword/Earth
-Sky king Falma/Duel Swords/Lighting
-Princess Emilia Female/ Duel Sword/Lighting
-Holy Knight Will Male/Sword and shield/Light
-Alice female /Scythe/Dark
-Stya female/Two-sided Spear/Ice
-Zeln Male/Fist/Thunder
-Knight Aem Male/LongSword/Light
-Lemia female/Staff/Dark/Necromancer
-MotherEarth knight Ednna female/Sword/Earth
Loch Male/Bow/lighting
-Drake Queen Aisha female/ sword/Fire
-Bolt Knight Amy female/Poleaxe/lighting
-Sefia Female/Sommon 8 Swords/Light
-Disciple Zebra Male/Bow/Dark
Mage Rashil Male/Staff/Lighting
Crimson Fist Glenn Male/Fist/Fire