The nature of the messiah and purpose
The Mashiach, or Messiah, means anointed one and belief in the eventual arrival of the Messiah is a fundamental Jewish belief.
The Messiah is the one who will be anointed as the king of Israel in the End of Days (Messianic age).
The concept is not found in in the Torah but was mentioned frequently by Jewish prophets.
The idea of the Messiah is an ancient one. The Jewish people had been forced into exile from Israel and the Prophet reassured them that if they obeyed God then a Messiah, a leader, might come to restore them and improve society.
‘Behold, days are coming.. a king will reign & prosper and he will administer justice & righteousness in the land. In his days.. Israel will dwell securely’ Jeremiah 23:5-6
The messiah is believed to be :
A great political leader descended from king David (Messiah)
Well versed in Jewish law and observe its commandments (Isiah)
A charismatic leader inspiring others to follow his example
A great military leader, inspiring others to follow his example
A great Judge who will make righteous decisions (Jeremiah)
A human being
The Messiah is thought to bring :
He will bring about redemption, both politically and spiritually, by restoring Israel and Jerusalem
He will establish a Just government in Israel which will be the centre of all Governments worldwide , for Jews and gentiles
He will restore the religous court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land
He will re-build the Temple and re-establish worship there