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Islam: beliefs and teachings (The Nature of Allah (The belief on the…
Islam: beliefs and teachings
The Nature of Allah
The belief on the oneness of Allah (Tawhid)
'Allah witnesses that there is no deity except him'
God has no children and He is not the child of anyone
Immanence: permanently within the universe
Transcendent: existing apart from and not limited by the universe
Omnipotence: all poweful
Beneficience: good, generous, kind
'And the evil consequences of what they did will appear to them, and they will be enveloped by what they used to ridicule.'
99 names of Allah
Adalat in Shi'a Islam: the concept of justice
Sin of Shirk: associating other things or being with God
Prophethood: Risalah
Adam: father of the human race. Sinned by repented and was forgiven
Ibrahim: father of Isaac and Ishma'il. Was prepared to sacrifice his son Ishma'il
Isa (Jesus) Prophet for Muslims and performed miracles. Isa did not die and went up to heaven and will reappear when the world is judged
Angels: Malaikah
Heavenly immortal beings. Gods first creation. Messengers of God. Sinless and able to communicate with humans
The significance of Jibril's revelation of the Quar'an to Muhammed
The significance of Mija'il placed in charge of plants and rain. Sustainsmlife
The significance of Israfil to blow to trumpet of judgement day to announce to resurrection of the dead
Sunni: created from life with no free will
Shi'a: angels have limited free will but would never disobey God. Believe it was through and angel God made clear that Ali would lead the Muslim community after Muhammed's death
Akhirah: Afterlife
We are to be held responsible for our own actions and thoughts
All will be raised from death and judged. if good deeds outweigh bad, go to heaven - intentions will also be taken into account
Barzakh: a place of waiting after death until Day of Judgement
Angels will question each persons faith
All will attempt to pass over bridge of As-Sirat
Muslims believe that God has a divine plan and everything happens for a reasons. We also have free will
Foundations of faith:
Six articles of faith in Sunni Islam: Tawhid - unity and oneness of Allah. Risalah - prophethood. Malaikah - angels
The five roots of Usul ad-Din in Shi'a Islam: oneness of God - Tawhid. Justice of God. Prophethood. Leadership. Resurrection