1. The Eyes Task Magazine photos (15cm x 10cm), all standardised, black and white, midway along nose to above eyebrow.
Shown the picture for 3 seconds and then given a forced choice between 2 mental states. One was a target mental state (the right answer) and one was a foil (the wrong answer). E.g. concerned or unconcerned, friendly or hostile. They were asked "Which word best describes what the person is feeling or thinking?". There were 25 pictures used, giving a maximum score of 25. A higher score indicates an advanced Theory of Mind.
Four judges 2 male and 2 female picked a target and foil work (for each picture) in an open discussion. Eight different judges 4 male 4 female were then shown the pictures of the eyes and given the target and foil words. They all agreed with the target and foil works, they were blind to the hypothesis (didn't know what study was about).
Measured by showing each participant 25, black and white, standardised photographs of the eye region of faces (male and female) and asking them to make a forced choice between two mental state words (target and foil) to best describe what the person in the photograph was feeling or thinking.