Thor's Journey to the Land of the Giants: One day, Thor and Loki arrived at the edge of wild country pulled by two giant goats. They came across a farm and the family that lived there. Thialfi and his sister, Moskva, lived with their father Egil, and their mother on a farm at the edge of wild country. Beyond their farm were monsters and giants and wolves. When Thor and Loki arrived, they expected to eat, but the family had nothing so Thor killed the two goats and had a whole goat to himself and fave the other to the other five. Thor made it clear to not break the bones of the goat and eat the marrow, but Loki tricked Thialfi into eating the marrow so he'd be strong. Later, Thor found out and made Thialfi his bondservant. They traveled to Utgard and on the way they met the largest creature they had ever seen named Skrymir. They befriended him and they traveled together. Once they reached Utgard, the kind of the giants greeted them and put them through a series of tests to observe their skill level, but they ended up being illusions to make them all fail. After their stay, the king of the giants was so scared of them that he hid Utgard from them because he knew they were so powerful.