BASICALLY look at all the figures ( figure 2 (design explained here), 4,5,6
dMCC, lOFC = more active for when you should switch task (task switching)
---> negativ feedback (because its telling you to change<- they call it that in paper) (for normal ppl normal people)
vmPFC = high activity for when you should stay (positive feedback cause it tells you to stay and what you doing is good)
in ppl with amygdala lesion
no value update to dmACC and lOC ---> very low activity
---> also no value update of vmPFC (task5 !!! also for value comparison!!!) ----> very low activity :D !!
----> indication to switch comes from amygdala cause without it no activity there --> well feedback to switch or not comes from amygdalaaaa and then the actual switch is initiated by pre-SMA (task 6)
bold signal in OFC vmPFC+ amygdala + dmACC= high activity as outline (for controls) lOFC+MCC = negative feedback,, VMPFC= positive feedback)
--> for patients (lesions) = very low effect at both :D!!
Punishment + reward :D !! (also basically mention in task 4,5,6)
response to reawrd--> mPFC + mOFC
punishment ---> avlPFV --> lOFC (in controls higher punishment activity in lOFC)
-----> no such effect in ppl with lesions :D!!
--> but rewards more sought after dlpfc (should deactivate for positive, but for negative <-- should analyze whats happening , so less default mode and more executive mode !!
higher bold