Who does traning here? Who teaches classes?
The accustic here is terrible
You can't speak with a deep voice
How hard is it to put a class toghter
A few years ago I had two clients and they both said the same thing can you prepare a class for test driven development
we have all these testers and they don't see how or where they fit in the Agile development.
So all the testing I could find for agile testiers was rubish
four or three days classes full of rubbish
They filled out three days full of generic scrum stuff, and tdd - it has nothing to do with testing, it is a design development technique
what is the point of testing, who are we testing for?
so I said that I can't find a training? will you do the training? No, but we have 3 classes for the next four weeks, will you teach it? yes!
Who is a developer? I love it you have to take what we see in this class and teach other people
who are testers?
any project managers?
it's ok you can be proud
anyone else, anyone here a tester
you are here to cause troub le? a test manager, intersting
business analyst, welcome we are not worthy
ok so then, let's start where I think we should start, which is this
what is the point of testing? If that does not work for you, what is the goal/the purpose of testing?
why do we do this stuff
the point of testing might be feedback
this is easy for me I just go through kent becks options
organize into teams and write down what is the point of testing
Does anybody know the game of bogle? I will tell you.
You only get points for words that nobody else chose.
You will get up and tell us what you have
Go for really obvious ones, cause nobody ever chooses those.
the c3 project was a boring project, it's just that they had top class people
my goal is to get all the people in separate roles toghether put them in a bag and shake them up
why do you need to increase confidence for shareholders
Some really really good insightful things in here
there is a trick
when we talk about the goal of a system or activity there can be only one
everything else is either derived or subordinate to that thing
of all the things that are up there
only one of those are the actual goal of testing
who wants to have a go? Make sure it works
happy customers, and a masive masive security breach
happy customer but I'm shot down on compliance
delivering the right thing
Everything to do with testing is derivative of confidence.
I'm gonna say this
The purpose of testing
To Increase confidence
critical question, who's confidence
who are the key people?
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