Teaching Math as
Spiritual Development

Teaching the young involves empathy, a daily visit to beginners mind

Teaching involves revisiting my childhood and my memories

Fundamental Reframing

Optimizing Learning

Both Teacher and Student are open to change

Why Questions in Groups / What Questions are Individual

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Start the year:
Lining up students with some big math Mindset questions:
1) View of education Against, skeptical, curious, onboard
2) View of math with the same framing.
Take a picture of each line up

Develop a class covenant:
What earns points? We celebrate conceptual mistakes that result from experimentation; good mistakes might earn credit.
What confers status?
What removes status?

Day 2
Make sure all contact information is correct
Distribute an "about me" survey

During the year:

  • Math students who wanted help were asked to put their names on the board so that they could get a place in line. That way they could continue to work on the next problems and asking for help wasn't about stopping their work.

Also, the teacher encouraged different types of questions rather then just, "I don't know how to do this".

Example questions were shared like:

  • How can I remember this?
  • How will I use this in the real world?
  • What can I do to make this easier?
  • What's the best way to double check my answer for a question like this?

Exit ticket can be a reflection
Survey: Did the assignment meet your need to indulge your curiosity, connection making challenge, creativity and collaboration.

End of year

ask the same questions and frame up the answers
Ask kids for one

Mistakes grow the brain and are good. I give points for good mistakes

Community: Teaching involves perspective taking from parents

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Math is highly compressable

Teaching Conceptual Fluency


Zero Homework policy for doing math: just reflection and journaling and video watching

Wizzit Trouble (http://wuzzittrouble.com)

Teaching involves practicing a mindset change every day as I deliver that mindset change to kids img8

Passion For Math

Open nature of numbers:
18 X 5
Infinent radical numbers

The power of growth
Physical objects like cubes

Nature and Finance

Let kids think about this on their own first