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Race as an organising structure. (Reading (Robbie Shilliam (2013) (UNESCO…
Race as an organising structure.
Gary Young (2014)
The main statement that stuck out was the definition of racism or rather the way racism is perceived by the media. Younge states that the west or rather both sides of the Atlantic have the idea that racism is not discrimination planted by history but rather “ignorant people getting caught saying mean things”. This is in turn leadds to more racism.
He goes on to state, that the horror of racism according to the media is the ‘scandal’ behind all these people being caught saying ‘crass’ things
Coincidentally Younge goes on to use a statistic given by the US Department of Education, that black pre-schoolers are more likely to be suspended then their white classmates.
I was left questioning that the media only follow or expose these people saying crass things because it brings attention and more people to read and be interested in the particular story. For example, statistics of race discrimination do not have the same shocking impact as a white man saying the N-word, this I feel is Younges argument throughout the article.
Robbie Shilliam (2013)
UNESCO ‘statements on race’ in 1951. Shilliam states they aimed to separate ‘biological fact’ from its social myth.
Yet Shilliam uses Alana Lentins idea, that they were simply separating race from politics, or more bluntly that the UNESCO research agenda was clearing or covering up the past of the ‘masters’
Furthermore in a UNSECOS 1967 statement, they still denied any claim to race being a social problem yet they started showing that there was some discrimination
under colonel rule
Shilliam underlines his narrative that UNESCO or mainly the west keep to a narrative of what the master does unto the sufferer (156). This means that few look into the sufferer’s narrative.
Black Power is a symbol of owning identity and being proud of being black. This is idea is reinforced by Shilliam using the example of the Black Panther slogan ‘Power to the People’ rather than power to the black people, Black Panther simply uses ‘people’ in reference to all people meaning all races. This backs Shilliams idea that Black Power or black movements such as Black Panther are not a struggle against whites, but a fight for humanity.
Robbie Shilliam (2017)
Robbie Shilliam states that after the European discovery or rather conquest of the Americas, race developed as a way to determine the level of humanity of the various ethnic groups encountered who were not part of the old biblical world familiar to the conquerors. Culture emerged as a way to determine the degree to which a group could be considered human. Or especially after the enslavement of Africans, separation on the basis of skin colour or facial features
The West according to Shilliam views different ethnic minorities or cultures as not modern. This in turn means that people from different ethnic minorities or cultures have to be made to adopt the western mode of living as they are almost seen as barbaric.
Shilliam states that different views or traditions are seen as a threat to ‘modern liberal democracy.’
He goes on to state that this can be referred back to the 19th Century idea of the white races being more ‘civilised
Robbie Shilliam coincidentally leads on to the idea of whiteness and privilege, he states that white people’s social advantages are not necessarily down to intelligence or individual effort but also down to the racial hierarchy (294). He states that poor white people have advantages over a poor non-white person. At the same time, he brings up an important point that within whiteness, exclusion can arise due to colonel history.
(UCL) Why is my curriculum, white?
The main argument of the video addressed there issue of a lack of awareness of a white catered curriculum. The university continues to use texts that could be seen as offensive towards students of colour.
Institutions such as UCL still teach problematic texts such as White Man’s Burden and when ethnic minorities are included in the curriculum they tend to focus on the negative aspects, such as slavery and colonialism
The key issues that were raised were that the way people had been taught throughout their academic career, was done in such a way that it allowed the whiteness of any curriculum to been seen as the norm, and therefore it would be very hard to change the current normality of the lack of diversity.
One student referenced the fact that as a result of this, many white students were unable to write about race in an academic way. Many students also reflected on the fact that there was a lack of non-white teachers, throughout the entirety of the educational career.
Lecture Notes
Culture Appropriation
is when someone adopts something from a culture that is not his or her own- a hairstyle, a piece of clothing, a manner of speaking.
Problem arises when somebody takes something from another less dominant culture in a way that member of that culture find undesirable or offensive
Structural Racism and its symptoms
Structural Racism,
One might not be racist but we live in system which is deemed as racist.
Financial crisis of 2008 is one of the reasons why Trump (populist politics) is in power and why fascism and neo-nazi's are on the rise again. because they feel deprived and they blame immigrants or migrants.
Trump by calling Africa shithole countries (Leader of the free liberal world is worrying,.
Haiti's oppression by USA. Becuase they want to be indeonedt despite th torture or slavery they were put through, Amercia accepts them to pay for there economic loss. Sends out to trrops to take over Haiti.
During Trumps election the alt right made a come back 2017: KKK at Charlottesville at the Unite the Right Rally.
Trump retweeted Britain first party deputy leader
Jayda Fransen made headlines around the world after trump shared a number of her Islamophobic posts.
Imperialism and racism
go together particularly in British empire,Slavery helps the west for example to be civilised other ethnic people are barbarians, west helps people like in the Congo be more 'civilised' as we see ourselves as the superior race.
Rising tide of 'Global Racism and Xenophobia'
EU has constructed an fortress ti keep migrants out
Myths :
Europe has to cope with more than its fair share of refugee's and migrants
most of world's refugee's do not leave their regions of origin
Our notion of what constitutes white and black is a social construct.
Creation of a Jewish race without thinking of anti semitism
There is no fixed sense of whitness or blackness even today.
Colonialism & Racism
De Gaulle is known for the leader who led the resistance effort against Nazi Germany. He is also the man behind this statement "Africa? It's simple I'll explain: Its black and it's crowded."
African continents carved up in the name of commerce, Christianity and Civilisation.
Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902)- "I contend that we are the first race in the world and that the more of teh world we inhabit the better it is for the human race... If there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is paint as much of the map of Africa British Red as possible..." - The Face of the Empire.
Racism not only between White and Black, (Ireland etc) for example Slaves being sold on open market in Libya 2017.