Titanic: The boat you are on has hit an ice-berg and has started to sink, you have to try to survive however it is very difficult

Go to life rafts

Stay where you are

Ignore announcement that comes over the speaker

Listen to announcement and get lifejacket

Let others go before you and possibly die

Get one the first life raft

Room is suddenly filled with water

Try to escape

Accept death and drown

The End

You try to swim for it but ending up dying from the cold

Make it just in time to get 1 of the two remaining jackets

Parent and child show up

Tell them to get lost and find their own jackets

Tell them to take the jackets and go without one

You Survive. YAY!!!

You are found by another ship

You survive. YAY!!!!

You have a good supply of food and water however you forever live with the guilt of letting others die so you could survive

You get on the last boat and have no supplies

Hunt for food

Not hunt for food

End up starving to death

You hunt for food and nearly freeze to death from swimming in water: First Try

Give up and hope to be saved

Continue to hunt and but nobody comes

Killer Whale eats you

Start a new life in the Artic and Survive

A boat comes and you are saved