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The Trigger To Everything - Andrew Ryan Samuel (The question 'how'…
The Trigger To Everything - Andrew Ryan Samuel
Knowing Yourslef
How belief shapes you
Belief in yourself, who else would?
God have plan for you
Believe it is possibe to achieve your dreams with support of your hours and hard work
Find one?
I was born with it - with that belief
Very careful in how we develop our belief
Culture is one factor that might direct us you certain wrong belief
Belief is the foundation in which our journey starts
Writing your life book
Everyday write things about what you have done
Ignore them
You will always be judged on everything you do
Belief keeps you strong mentally, emotionally & spiritually
Criticism & negativities are like walls or roadblocks
Belief is your backbone in life
The obstacles is designed to pass
The question 'how'
How you do it
A skill is an ability that you learn over and over again until you become an expert on it
A talent is an ability that you were born with it
Talent might be hidden within yourself and cannot be seen one
With the right trigger and in the right time, your talent might reveal itself
Confidence is a skill so you can learn it
Don't avoid changes
Should you be yourself?
Don't be just yourself, be who or what you want to be
Jot down the things you would want to prioritize in order to change yourself and in turn, boost your confidence
Learning about life
Focus on 5 things on priority list, trust that you can make it
Believing in yourself
Identifying your strengths
There is always a room for improvement
What matter is the end
Stop focusing on your weaknesses
We would change a lot of things in our lives
There are always sacrifices behind every success
Big dreams means there will be blood, sweat & tears
We are able to make the maximum outcomes with our time
We have to apply self-discipline so we can make the most of our precious time
Giving more
If we want to receive more, we have to work more = giving more (time, self-discipline, diligent, etc)
Everything you give will given back to you
Your purpose
You definitely need real goals
Find your purpose in life and believe that you can fulfill it
The tremendous power of a belief
Power of words you believe
Belief triggers a lot of things
Ignore negative people
Learning from the successful people
Successful people would give you a push
Get connected with those who motivate us
The tough times
Rocky chapters
If life has no sufferings, how can we become stronger souls
The schools of life
You have gone through tough times
Everything will be ok
Chasing the dreams
Believe: you could achieve
Implementing beliefs in life
Your life will change
Have the courage to follow your heart & intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become
Two types of people
The others are who have not yet discovered on how to win
The formula to winning only contains a word: BELIEVE
Bad events that would occur caused by bad people
Do not trust those who say that you should give up
Have strong beliefs, the though times would just be illusions
Beliefs & Goals
Belief make goals easy
Your belief should be transformed into reality in the form of goals
Having goals and beliefs are the best combo
The more we achieve goals, the more we believe
Be spesific
To achieve huge goals more easily, you have to break those huge goals into more specific ones
Building it like lego
The five steps
having a goal
collecting the resources
taking the action
accomplishing the goals
doing a self-reflection
2 possibilities
if fail, try again until succeed
if successful, see how far we have gone
self-reflection is very important
you will have more confidence
Supportive environment
positive environment will make much willpower
Things to note down on willpower
willpower is just like our muscle which could get fatigue from being overused
Things that could drain willpower
decision making
trying to do great in a certain task
congrolling emotion
controlling the thought process
Good news!
if we do something new, our willpower would be much wasted in the beginning, but later on, we would adapt ourself and so would our willpower
willpower is very important if you want to achieve your goals
save willpower from being drained by making both of important & less important activities as habits
Achievements shape you
The most confident person I have ever met
values ourself positively
Short-term benefits
activities like watching tv show just give us short-term benefits
Long-term benefits
activities like studying, learning, would get us greater rewards and benefits
choose the activities that will boost your self-esteem
Thriving in confidence
repeat doing the positive activities until you achieve some excellence
define what self-esteem is to you
achieve as much as possible so that you would feel good about yourself
learn one new knowledge a day
don't be afraid to try new things
The 5 months challenge
The plan
list what we achieve everyday between 5 months
Spread it
to make people more productive life & have self-discipline
Getting to know your world
Combining the resources
Going outside
go out and experience many different challenges
yourself will get more confident mood
Taking care of your body
do some physical activities to be more confident
Building your charisma
read how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie
Getting the hell out of your comfort zone
willing to gromw
rethink the case
need to experience a lot of things to be able to gain confidenc
once successfully reach long-term benefits, the hardwork pays off
Building the new habits
Habitual human beings
we should improve ourselves
New life = new habits
become familiar to these new habits
would be happy to stick to these productive habits for years to come
Comfort zone
old habits = no growth zone
Eliminating the non-essentials
focus on the essentials
focus on the things that could help acieve a more productive life
Small things & consistencies
Standing for your beliefs
choose to believe that you could be someone great