Bristol challenges and opportunities


largest city in south west of england

population of 440,5000

city of regional and national importance-one of the UKs 10 core cities

2 major docks

over 700,000 cars are imported every year




youthful population means there is a large diversity of things to do

vibrant underground music scene and clubs and bars

Colston Hall has concerts and entertainment by major names


Cabot Circus- development opened in September 2008 at a cost of £500 million. Shops and leisure activities takes up two thirds of its floor space. as well as shops there are offices a cinema and 250 apartments

Bristol's Harbourside- part of the project to regenerate the central part of the city. Former workshops and bars have been converted into bars and night clubs and cultural venues

Leisure and recreation activities

Sport- Bristol has two professional soccer teams and a rugby union team, also headquarters to the Gloucestershire county cricket

Shopping- growing leisure activity, Bristol has seen major changes in its shopping provision



Filwood (inner City)

A third of people are living in low income households

one third of people aged 16-24 are unemployed

life expectancy is 78 years (Bristol 80 years)

In 2013 36% of students got top grades at GCSE

over 1300 crimes per year

Stoke Bishop (suburb)

Death rates are low even though the proportion of old people is 8% higher than Bristol average

81% of housing is owner occupied

less than 300 crimes per year

only 3% of people were unemployed

nearly 50% of people have a degree or equivalent



Defence Procurement Agency(DPA)

Employs over 10000 people

supplies the army air force and navy with supplies

established on a greenfield site

created a demand for housing which contributed to the citys urban sprawl

The aerospace industry

fourteen of the fifteen main global air craft are found in the Bristol region e.g rolls Royce

Aardman Animations

became well known for using stop-motion clay animation techniques

entered the computer animation market

won an Oscar and many other awards



in 2015 Bristol became the first Uk city to be awarded the status of European Green Capital

An integrated transport system for Bristol

it connects different methods of transport and encourages more people to use public transport

aims to double the number of cyclist by 2020

Urban greening

process of increasing and preserving open space in urban areas

more than a third of Bristol is open space

8 nature reserves and 300 parks in the city

Bio Bus

improves urban air quality

travels 200 miles on a full tank

powered by sewage and food waste- in the uk 7 million tonnes of food was wasted each year

currently runs from Bristol to bath airport



housing became derelict, problems with squatters, riots and anti social behaviour

Urban Sprawl

Bristol needs new housing because of growing population and demolition of older slum dwellings

waste disposal

amount of waste produced per head in Bristol is 23% lower than the uk average

produces half a million tonnes of waste per year

among the worst cities in the country in terms of the amount of food waste produced

Atmospheric pollution

vehicle emissions are the main cause

around 200 people die prematurely in Bristol, as a result of air pollution