Marie Van Roste - Phones
The UN
Leonardo Da Vinci
"We are the world"
The cloud
Johann Zahn (Camera) or Leonardo da Vinci or Alexander Graham Bell
Second Paragraph
Third Paragraph
Alexander Graham Bell
First Paragraph:
What will be written
About marco
about modern day marco polo
Marco Polo
Who is he?
Why is he important?
Why should we care?
Who is he?
What is he famous for?
Fourth Paragraph
Modern day Marco Polo
Compare and contrast both of them?
Why are phones modern day marco polo?
How did phones affect people's life?
Fifth Paragraph
Marco Polo was an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer, born in the Republic of Venice.
Marco Polo was and still is important because he is one of the first and most famous Europeans to travel to Asia during the Middle Ages. He traveled further than anyone before him. During his 24-year journey along the Silk Road, he faced a lot of challenges including being thrown into a jail but he also faced good things such as becoming a confidant of Kublai Khan (Mongolian emperor).
How did Marco Polo affect people's lives?
What are Marco Polo's achievements?
Marco Polo influenced the Renaissance period by bringing back inventions and ideas from his travels. Some things he introduced to Europe were; Pasta, Paper Money, Coal, Lenses, Gunpowder, Silk and Spices. Paper Money: Revolutionized finance and commerce in Europe.
Black Eyed Peas
Childish Gambino
Thesis Statement
Phones are a modern Marco Polo because it opened peoples eyes to communication in many ways as how Marco Polo opened people's eyes to their surroundings.
HOOK : The cellphone is a technology that meshed perfectly with public demand. People like to talk and cell phones let them do it from anywhere. - Alan Nogee
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone
About the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish born scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical telephone. He also founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.
The form of communication first came through by Johann Philipp Reis in 1863. His machine consisted of a vibrating membrane that opened or closed an electric circuit. Reis only used his machine to demonstrate the nature of sound, while Alexander Graham Bell wanted to make a way to communicate with people.
Alexander Graham Bell found the telephone in 1876.
The invention of the phone proved to revolutionize the way people communicate throughout the world. Like Marco Polo helped revolutonize the world of things such as paper money, coal and more.
This invention helped revutolonize the communication throughout the world.
Bell was interested in telephony was derived from his background in vocal physiology and his speech instruction to the deaf.
Long distance service was first available in 1881. However the transmission rates were really bad. It was very difficult to hear.
"Telephone." How Products Are Made. . 2 Jun. 2018
Telephones facts, information, pictures | articles about Telephones
What are the uses of phone?
Mobile phones are used for multiple reasons, such as keeping in touch with family members,conducting business and in case of emergencies.
How many phones are sold per day?
Over 34,000 iPhones are sold every hour. Analysts expected numbers around 65 million, and the previous record, 51 million iPhone sales in the first quarter of last years.
Why are phones bad for you?
Can cause certain types of cancer/health problems
According to the British Chiropractic Association, our obsession with smartphones has led to a rise in the number of young people with back problems, as the amount of time spent leaning over small phone screens can put spinal discs under pressure. Thanks to our technological lifestyle, 45% of 16 to 24-year-olds suffer from back pain.
A University of Washington study found that texting pedestrians were four times more likely to ignore the lights or forget to look for traffic before crossing.
Young people, who spend 11 hours looking at their screens every day, expect constant updates from their friends, and a lull in messages can lead to anxiety.
Lynn Evans blames smartphones for this increase, saying that it allows teenagers to carry a world of cyber bullying with them wherever they go.
More than 60 per cent of 18- to 29-year-old smartphone users take their phones to bed, but studies have found that just two hours exposure to brightly lit screens can supress melatonin and lead to sleeping troubles.
traveled from europe to asia 1271-1295
Born in in Venice 1254, deiaed in 1324
In 1298 he got captured and put in a jail cell. 1299 he aws released. 1307 writter publishes his book. Rustichello
Phones are modern day Marco Polo because a lot of people these day are affected by their phones in positive and bad ways. Phone's have an impact of everyday lives, without phones people would be less connected and less safe. As well as that people can saty connected through the phones. Marco polo was the same, he opened people's eyes of the world and influenced them in both bad and good ways.
Marco Polo: affected people in good ways, he showed people what things were beyond europe and he inspired other people to travel around. He connected to continents together
Phone: while phones affect people in a bad and good way. Phones impact people because they are always able to communicate but it is also bad for your health. While Marco Polo's travels or things he brought back were mostly good for the countries.
How its modern day marco polo
About phone
13 reasons why
21 Guns - Green Day
Influences Europe map makes
Marco Polo is known for his accomplishments as a world traveler and pioneer. He expanded trade routes in Asia, including the Silk Road. Marco Polo was not the first European to reach China, but he was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his experience.
If marco polo hadn't gone on his travels, the modern world mightve not had all these ivnetions, aslo maybe Christopher Colombus might have not been inspired to become an explorer and discover america.
Marco Polo’s stories about his travels in Asia were published as a book called The Description of the World, later known as The Travels of Marco Polo. Just a few years after returning to Venice from China, Marco commanded a ship in a war against the rival city of Genoa. He was eventually captured and sentenced to a Genoese prison, where he met a fellow prisoner and writer named Rustichello. As the two men became friends, Marco told Rustichello about his time in Asia, what he'd seen, where he'd traveled and what he'd accomplished.
In 1271, Marco Polo set out with his father and uncle, Niccolo and Maffeo Polo, for Asia, where they would remain until 1295. Unable to recruit the 100 priests that Kublai Khan had requested, they left with only two, who, after getting a taste of the hard journey ahead of them, soon turned back for home. The Polos' journey took place on land, and they were forced to cut through challenging and sometimes harsh territory. But through it all, Marco reveled in the adventure. His later memory for the places and cultures he witnessed was remarkable and exceptionally accurate.
Evolution of Phones
Iphones were first introduced in 2007 by Steve Jobs
In 1992 Rob Stothard and Getty People introduced the first smart phone
Hand- Held Mobile Phone was first was by a Motorola employee called Martin Cooper in 1973.
The book became an important source of knowledge on the geography, people, culture, government, religions, technology, plants, and animals of the vast area to the east. It provided a new view of the world and opened up new possibilities for trade and exploration. It served as a significant energy for merchants, explorers, rulers, and churchmen to seek greater understanding of central Asia and to form closer relationships with its inhabitants. Maps of Asia were based on his descriptions until the sixteenth century, and many of the ventures of the Age of Exploration of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, including the voyages of Christopher Columbus, were inspired by the "Travels." Marco Polo's book was not replaced as the most important source of information on central Asia until the nineteenth century and may, indeed, be the most influential travelogue ever written.
The Journeys of Marco Polo and Their Impact - Dictionary definition of The Journeys of Marco Polo and Their Impact | FREE online dictionary
Vladimir Nabokov
"The Journeys of Marco Polo and Their Impact." Science and Its Times: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery. . 2 Jun. 2018
Anne Frank
Bell created telephones to help deaf people, while Marco told his stories to help people understand more about China.
Marco Polo was a great explorer and he became a confidant of Kublai Khan, after 24 years Marco came back to Venice with stories to tell and other things like coal, paper money and more. Also, he made a book called "The travels of Marco Polo"
Alexander Graham Bell created a phone to help deaf people and to be able to create electronic speech. These two are related because they both created things that helped the world evolve and revolutionize
Just a few years after returning to Venice from China, Marco commanded a ship in a war against the rival city of Genoa. He was eventually captured and sentenced to a Genoese prison, where he met a fellow prisoner and writer named Rustichello. As the two men became friends, Marco told Rustichello about his time in Asia, what he'd seen, where he'd traveled and what he'd accomplished.
Alexander Graham Bell is most well known for inventing the telephone. He came to the U.S as a teacher of the deaf, and conceived the idea of "electronic speech" while visiting his hearing-impaired mother in Canada. ... When he was eleven, Bell invented a machine that could clean wheat.
He created the telephone at 29 years old
First Call?
They were spoken by Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, when he made the first call on March 10, 1876, to his assistant, Thomas Watson: "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you."