Yongwook Jeon(Galileo Galilei)
Marco Polo
Who is he?
philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician
Worked under Kublai Khan
Discovered many theories that oppose Aristotle, who was believed as the correct one.
Law of free fall
Developed the route to China
Was against Aristotle(church) who was dominating that era
Was against people who thought travel to East as the hazard to Europe
He wrote a book about his theories.
Wrote a book about the journey to the east and what is there.
His boo/journey influenced people in the future to explore and visit east.
Galilei's theories became a
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Was kind of powerful. Also, his family were all merchandises.
Kublai khan was one of the most powerful people in the world. He was the khan(king) of the Mongolian empire, who was controlling the whole Asia, and had the largest territory in the world.
The route already existed. Many merchandises and caravans used the path to go to China and trade. However, after Marco Polo went on the path, many people followed him to go to East.
Wrote a book about his adventure to China(Rustichello)
Revealed many aspects of China and became the navigator for the people after him. He gave many information
Was against church
Developed many aspects in science+math