Why was the printing press so important?
Imagine life now without printing. Well, we take it for granted now, but think about how important the printing press has been. I mean, now there wouldn't be books, text, images, mailers, magazines, newspapers, posters...
if the printing press was not invented.
The Gutenberg's press is said to be one of the most important invention of all times. It drastically changed the way we lived. Imagine how hard it was before the printing press. In almost all places of the world, (if not all), books had to be completely written by hand. It would be super tiring for the monks to write lots of books with their own hand, and it would also take a lot of time. They would also have to calculate the size of the pages to fit the text well, and they would have to give the book to illuminators with would add designs over the pages.
“The Invention and History of the Printing Press.” PsPrint, PsPrint, www.psprint.com/resources/printing-press/.