MAT Program Vision of a Teacher


Flexible Problem Solver

Educational Advocate

Intentional Researcher

Effective Educator

Comprehensive Planner

Address the needs of kids falling behind 🔥

Self-Directed Teacher-Learner

Moving away from fact-recall based instruction 🔥

Professional Role Model

Allow students to solve their own problems, create their own questions 🔥

Strong desire for student success ✅

Believing in student's ability to handle challenging material ✅

Develop range of teaching and learning strategies 🔥

Communicate with other educators to develop tools ✅

Teacher engages with students ✅

Knowing environment, students; being a part of the community ✅

Building rapport with students ✅

Considering oneself as a student of the teaching practice ✅

Having students reflect on their group work experience ✅

Make Content relatable/accessible/applicable 🔥

Researching students’ school records, researching demographics ✅

Utilizing technological applications in the classroom to make content more accessible for students/parents 🔥

Adapting to our students academic culture 🔥

Reflective Practitioner

Asking students about effectiveness of instruction ✅

Reflective, always asking for feedback, what’s working/what isn’t ✅

Incorporates reflection to students ✅

Excited to teach! As opposed to teacher burnout ✅

Being knowledgable about student’s culture/station of life and incorporating that knowledge into instruction to promote student success ✅

Use different sources as academic tools, ex: internet ✅


Strength: ✅

Needs work: 🔥

Considers different cultures and engages for participation ✅

Content knowledge, especially multiple subjects 🔥

Aware of comprehensive curriculum🔥

Includes diversity in group activities ✅

Frame curriculum around "essential questions"
make connections easier ( Wiggins, Ch.12, pg.276 )

Maximal Transferability-effective use of material learned (wiggins, Ch.12, pg.293)

Maximal Transferability-effective use of material learned (wiggins, Ch.12, pg.293)

Backward Design: goals > assessment > curriculum (Wiggins, Ch.12, pg. 275)

Backward Design: goals > assessment > curriculum (Wiggins, Ch.12, pg. 275)

Backward Design: goals > assessment > curriculum (Wiggins, Ch.12, pg. 275)

Frame curriculum around "essential questions"
make connections easier ( Wiggins, Ch.12, pg.276 )