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English for culturally and linguistically diverse students (Additional…
English for culturally and linguistically diverse students
Additional language acquisition (Week 2)
Bilingualism (cognitive benefits of multiple languages)
Silent Period (period of listening + reading additional language, may not yet speak or write in AL)
Process (affected by background and learning environment, non-linear process)
Iceberg (surface i.e. stress, sounds, sentences vs deeper i.e. meaning, word view, socio-cultural understandings)
Language modelling (notice, recycle, recast, repeat)
Importance of maintaining first language
Stephen Krashen (main theorist)
SAE (acquiring formal, academic English that is used in the classroom)
Input Hypothesis (zone of proximal development)
Role of context in making meaning
Affective filter (importance of safe, supportive learning environments)
Factors influencing EAL/D learners
Cultural conceptualisations
Explicit teaching of culture
(eg. a lesson on Aboriginal culture in art exploring traditional paintaings)
Explicit teaching of coloquial language
Rituals, practices, norms
(eg. food, celebrations, traditions)
lebration and exploration of different cultures in the classroom
(eg. in Health looking at the difference cultural celebrations linking it to alcohol)
Safe and inclusive learning environment in the classroom
(eg. encourage respectful team environment), Affective Filter (more information is retained)
Schema Theory
: the importance of background knowledge of the world and cultures, it is your ready made understandings of behaviour ()
Textual analysis
(eg. sports (rules and strategy of AFL) or written texts)
(language about language such as register, vocab, and grammar)
Academic demands of the curriculum
Assisting EAL/D learners with oral language development
(Week 6)
Oral language is essential in developing reading/written language
Oral (contextualised) --> Written (decontextualised)
Teacher modelling
- Notice, Recycle, Recast, Repeat
- Field, Tenor, Mode. Explicitly teach the differences.
Focus on academic language, link background knowledge, increase comprehensible input/language output, promote classroom interaction, stimulate higher order thinking skills
Types of communication:
Exploratory, communicative
explicitly teach phonic awareness, focus on confusing sounds/those absent from home language, have students interact with more competent speaker, teach formal and informal, provide authentic experiences, use small group work to provide opportunities
Important period of observation and acquistion. Be encouraging during this period but don't pressure.
Assisting EAL/D learners with reading (see wk 7)
4 cueing systems
sound/symbol relationships
rules of language, grammar
conventions of print, text organisation,
need practice, exposure to reading, sight word reading, increasing vocabulary
talk about it, read it, write about it
Comprehension through questioning - see Handout 2 & Bloom's levels of questioning
Developing fluency & comprehension
make connections
understand context
activate prior knowledge
create images
ask questions
determine key ideas
edit as you go
Reading strategies
Modelled reading
skim & scan
re-read for detail
teacher model reading strategies
After reading
re-tell story
innovate on the text
draw story map
cloze activities
reader's theatre
Assisting EAL/D learners with writing
Writing is difficult for all students who are learning English
Contexts of a situation
Subject matter of the text
Relationship amongst the people involved in a context
Way these are represented in a text
Way language is used in a particular context
Medium of language usage
The major difference between someone who is a good/ bad writer could be the ability to self-edit
Getting the desired outcome
Structured Q for note taking/ drafting
Link to previous learning experience
Consider tools needed for the task
Recall text models
Apply knowledge of vocabulary and field
Mini-lessons on salien langauge points are a better way to integrate grammar, vocabulary, mechanics and strategy teaching
Building the learning context
Builds on what students know
Develops knowledge/ understandings so they become familiar
Can occur all stages of learning
Allows students to identify main ideas/ key words in text
Aids both reading/ writing thru oral language
Student reconstruct text in collaborative and meaningful way
Develops awareness of text type, lingustic features and structures
Modelling/ deconstruction
Teacher guides students in exploring the text and language features in genre, field, tenor and mode
Shows expected outcome
visual structure of text layout
Guide comprehension and language modelling
Implementing a culturally inclusive program
Cultural Conceptualisations
Encourage students to engage in and maintain their identities and cultural connections
Be culturally aware of resources and cultural appropriateness
EAL/D students bring their own cultural experiences and understandings that help them make sense of new environments
Language conventions may differ and vary across cultures
Explicit teaching
Intercultural Understanding
Provide learning experiences that reflect the identities and experiences of all students
Provide inclusive and nurturing environments
Broaden all students intercultural understanding and awareness by inviting students to share their cultural and linguistic knowledge/experiences
Identify assumed knowledge from the curriculum and plan steps on how to explicitly teach this to EAL/D students
Group work
Values continuum
Celebrate different cultures
Creating a safe and supportive environment
Cultural Awareness
Monitoring, assessing and reporting achievement
Use examples with familiar contexts
minimise unnecessary language and info
Mandated assessment (OLNA)
Ensure understanding of concepts being assessed
Summative assessment
When reporting assessment emphasise achievement not grade
Look at a number of work samples to assess progress/level
Diagnostic assessment
Formative assessment
Support services
Refugee support:
Statewide services
Perth Interpreting and Translation Services
Fremantle Multicultural Centre
Indigenous Support
Walyalup Aboriginal Centre
Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
Urban Indigenous
Mental Health Support
School Psychologist
Community projects- involving the whole class
Working collaboratively; prerequisites for success
Considerations for its use
Need to scaffold the collaboration task
Be aware of cultural differences/previous experience working collaboratively
Must be sensitive will implementation - selective student pairings
Step within the Teaching, Learning and assessment cycle
Scaffolds task for EAL/D student - SAE speaker or EAL/D learner
Helps develop relationships
Important skill for life
Required skill for life beyond school particularly within the workplace
Jigsaw activities
Peer Assessment