**Should people use Violent Resistance or Non Violent resistance to gain Agency
Violent Resistance
NonViolent Resistance
Document 16 -Oscar Grant Protests
Because The officer shot Oscar Grant even though he is handcuffed
Document 12 - The Soweto Uprising
**Because the officers were shooting at the crowd and they let the police dog run into the crowd
Document 13 - MLK “Riot” Speech
Because MLK is giving a speech about riots and you don't always have to use violent resistance
Document 14 - SeeClickFix Posters
Because they are helping the city get clean and helping other people that live in Oakland Ca**
Document 15 - Malala Speech
Because Malala did not fight back when the Taliban shot her in the head
Document 17 - Research Project
**Because The police Shot michael Brown just for stealing from a store even though he could of tased him or chased him down instead he shoots him to death