Desain Basis Data

Database Lifecycle ✅

Database planning

System definition ⭐

Requirement collection and analysis ⭐

Database design ⭐

DBMS selection ⭐

Application ⭐ design

Prototyping ⭐

Implementation ⭐

Data ⭐ conversion

Testing ⭐

Operational : maintenance ⭐

Mission statement

Mission objectives

Definition of scope and boundary of
database system

Definition of user views

Users’ and system requirements

Conceptual database design

Logical database deisgn

Physical database design

Data dictionary entities

Data dictionary relation

Data dictionary attribute

Data dictionary key attribute





Entity and relationship documentation


Functional dependency

Selecting a suitable DBMS for the database system

Designing the user interface and the application programs that use and process the

Building a working model of the database system, which allows the designers or users
to visualize and evaluate how the final system will look and function

Creating the physical database definitions and the application programs

Loading data from the old system to the new system and, where possible, converting
any existing applications to run on the new database.

Database system is tested for errors and validated against the requirements specified
by the users

Database system is fully implemented. The system is continuously monitored and maintained. When necessary, new requirements are incorporated into the database system through the preceding stages of the lifecycle.