History of Computer/Internet Timeline
1804 - The Jacquard loom was created to simplify the process of manufacturing textiles. This was the first time that binary code was used.
1924 - The company IBM (Internal Business Machines) was created and was the first American company that focused on developing technology machines.
1936 - The Turing machine is a mathematical model of hypothetical computing machine that was invented by Alan Turing. This was the first machine that was able to do mathematical calculations.
1942 - The Antanasoff-Berry Computer was the first electronic computer. This computer was able to perform 30 simultaneous operations. This was basically an improved Turing machine.
1946 - The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was "complete Turing computer." It was able to solve "a large class of numerical problems through reprogramming."
1959 - The COBOL / FORTRAN is a computer programming machine that was intended for business use.
1959 - The Integrated circuit is a set of electronic circuits on a semiconductor material. An integrated chip could serve as an "amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, computer memory or microprocessor."
1963 - Ivan Sutherland developed Sketchpad. It used a light pen to create and manipulate objects in engineering drawings and coordinated graphics.
1966 - The DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory) is a piece of technology that stored data within a tiny unit within an integrated circuit. Basically, this improved storage on technological devices.
1971 - Floppy discs were an easy form of storing and exchanging technological information. This was the most popular form of data storage in the 1970s.
1973 - Ethernet was created as a way to connect computers to the internet or each other. This was basically an early for of wifi.
1975 - The Personal Computer (PC) was created as a way for individuals to transport and possess their personal use. This was basically the first form of a laptop.
1975 - Microsoft, a company that created computer software, was established in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Microsoft went on to become a major computer company.
1976 - Apple, a computer-producing company, was created in Cupertino, California. Apple went on to become a tech mogul and create countless new technological inventions.
1978 - VisiCalc / WordStar was the first online spreadsheet computer program for personal computers. This invention allowed microcomputers to become applicable in business settings.
1983 - Apple released their "Lisa" Computer. This was one of the first PCs to "offer a graphical user interface in a machine aimed at individual business users." Basically, this was a large step towards including computers in a work setting.
1985 - Microsoft released their series of Windows programs. This made computer programs more accessible to the public and much easier to operate.
1980 - Symbolics.com was created. This was the world's first and oldest registered domain name on the Internet. This was a gigantic leap forward in the race to create a fully functioning, accessible Internet.
1990 - Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) was created as a way to receive documents from a web server. This was basically an expansion upon symbolics.com.
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